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Undervaluing Royal Mail cost UK Taxpayers 750m.

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yeah lets get labour back in !


their policies are working wonders over in france !


or we could have a lib dem government....or maybe not !


It's nothing to do with getting Labour back in, or getting UKIP in, or anything else. It's about making government answerable, accountable, and therefore respsonsible.

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It's nothing to do with getting Labour back in, or getting UKIP in, or anything else. It's about making government answerable, accountable, and therefore respsonsible.


they are accountable, dont vote for them next year, promble solved.


but who you going to vote for now then ? not much choice is there !

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they are accountable, dont vote for them next year, promble solved.


but who you going to vote for now then ? not much choice is there !


I totally disagree. If they are accountable, many of them would be consigned to the dustbin of history after the expenses scandal.

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Weve been screwed is the top and bottom of it.

What do you do though after the fact? Spend money on an enquiry to determine which ones have made money from it floating at a lower price!

More money down the drain that youd also never get back.

Theyll just make a scapegoat of someone who will resign with a nice pay off and theyll say thats and end to it! Same old same old.

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if the public opinion was that much against them then they shouldnt have got votes at all, never mind enough to keep their seats or deposit, until people stop voting for labour or the tories "cos my dad always did" then nothing can change, unless we get switzerland democracy here, and even then i think most people wouldnt even be bothered to vote for the things they want , they want everything done for them ! and it to be perfect the first time !

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I like the fact Vince arranged for some blue chip investors to get priority shares on the basis that they'd provide long term stability but then half of them flogged the shares to hedge funds for a quick buck. Plus all the payoffs to their banking chums for the "independent" advice they gave.


Money for cronies as per



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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There is something very dodgy about all this.


How can a huge corporation like the Royal Mail be undervalued. It wouldnt happen with a company like Facebook.


Would be interesting to know which politicians bought shares that were involved in the valuation & sale of the Royal Mail. :suspect:

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