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Undervaluing Royal Mail cost UK Taxpayers 750m.

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There is something very dodgy about all this.


How can a huge corporation like the Royal Mail be undervalued. It wouldnt happen with a company like Facebook.


Would be interesting to know which politicians bought shares that were involved in the valuation & sale of the Royal Mail. :suspect:


lol, facebook was massively over-valued it lost people shed loads of cash on its first day of trading.

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lol, facebook was massively over-valued it lost people shed loads of cash on its first day of trading.


Whats wrong with that? Thats called risk The whole point of trading.


Undervaluing by £750m is either incompetence or dodgy dealing

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does no-one take responsibility for their actions any more? - instead of hiding behind faceless and nameless advisers, vince cable should stand up and admit that it was a complete bodge, it was his ultimate responsibility and, as such, he is doing the honourable thing and resigning his post


it is easy to be wise after the event, but many professionals were saying well before the float that it was undervalued


it is an absolute disgrace that no-one in government is taking responsibility for this fiasco

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does no-one take responsibility for their actions any more? - instead of hiding behind faceless and nameless advisers, vince cable should stand up and admit that it was a complete bodge, it was his ultimate responsibility and, as such, he is doing the honourable thing and resigning his post


it is easy to be wise after the event, but many professionals were saying well before the float that it was undervalued


it is an absolute disgrace that no-one in government is taking responsibility for this fiasco


Would be interesting to know if Vince Cable or any of his mates bought shares.

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Would be interesting to know if Vince Cable or any of his mates bought shares.


i could be wrong, but i'm pretty sure that no-one in the government is allowed to - although they may have so-called "blind trust" funds managed by independent financial advisers which may have done so

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i could be wrong, but i'm pretty sure that no-one in the government is allowed to - although they may have so-called "blind trust" funds managed by independent financial advisers which may have done so


And wasn't priority given to small investors and the £750 purchase limit?


There are calls for Cable to resign.


I'm wondering if it was rushed to put two fingers up at Labour who tried at least twice and failed to privatise it.

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Absolutely disgraceful. This money could have been used to alleviate the crisis in the NHS. It's high time these muppets we call a 'government' were brought to account.


Yeah - just like Labour undervalued the gold reserves.... :roll:


Hindsight is such a wonderful thing isn't it.

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Do we know who the 'priority investors' were that were supposed to be in it for long haul but sold out within weeks? It says they were mainly pension funds... smells like a pension fund bailout by stealth. :suspect:

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