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Some questions about food in UK

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Hi! I am from the Netherlands and was wondering how people in the UK cook and eat their food. I saw this forum and hope some people can help me out answering these questions for a little study I am conducting. It really would help me to get a insight in other countries, as I only know the customs over here.


1. The last time you had people over for dinner, who were the guests (friends/family/other) and what did you serve?


2. How would you describe the dinner (casual or formal)?


3. How did you serve the food to your guests (for example: already plated, in a dish/bowl, in a pot/pan)?


4. What kitchen utensils did you use to transfer the food (to the plate)? And did you do this in the kitchen or on the dining table?


5. Do you use these utensils purely serving or do you also use them for other purposes (for example the cooking itself)?


6. Does these utensils fit with the rest of your tableware? Does it help the mood you want to create? Do you find them aesthetically pleasing?


I hope someone has time :) Thank you in advance!

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