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McDonalds employees past present and future.

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1. The company's unethical policies world-wide

2. The disgusting, inedible, unhealthy food

3. Many of the customers are appalling

4. The depressing working environment

5. The ridiculous uniform


I'm sure there are more.


The only difference between that list and most law firms is that we don't serve food.



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There are people who hate McD's beyond reason; in Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice", Shylock is asked why he hates Antonio; he just does!


I did not mention hatred. I simply said I would rather hoe turnips in frozen fields than work in MacDonalds. Then I gave my reasons.


And if people do hate something/someone, there is usually a reason, whether or not they can articulate it.


---------- Post added 02-04-2014 at 13:35 ----------


1/.I'm not sure that their policies are more unethical than many other big companies
I would be unlikely to agree to work for them, either.



2/. Seems as though there are more people enjoy McD's food than not; if it were as bad as you say, there'd be no customers.
That does not mean that the food I would be serving is healthy or appetising. In my view, it's repulsive and I would not want to work with it.


3/. I agree; but you will probably find this wherever you work.
Not at all. I've had a number of jobs over the years, several in shops/restaurants, been a teacher and a decorator and a very high proportion of my customers have been delightful. Judging by the hideous scenes of parental inadequacy, sibling violence and general human delinquency on show every time you look into a McDonalds, I'd say most businesses have better customers than McDs.

4/. I've worked in worse.
You have my sympathy then.

5/. Again, it could be worse.
I suppose some public schools have uniforms approaching the dreadful garishness of McDs but not many places make you wear this sort of unflattering and grease-loving red and yellow polyester.
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1. The company's unethical policies world-wide

2. The disgusting, inedible, unhealthy food

3. Many of the customers are appalling

4. The depressing working environment

5. The ridiculous uniform


I'm sure there are more.


What a lovely, caring person you are.

You used to be a teacher?

Although I do not eat at McDonalds I quite like their coffee and have seen many customers across the spectrum, mainly children.

None of the customers any worse than the other.

Ps. If they are that unethical, disgusting, inedible, appalling, depressing and ridiculous ( your adjectives, not mine) I am assuming you don't go in there so how would you know?

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What a lovely, caring person you are.

You used to be a teacher?

That's right. My students weren't appalling though. And I am a caring person - I care about how children are brought up and I care what food they are given and I care what impact multinational companies have on the environment and on their employees.


Although I do not eat at McDonalds I quite like their coffee and have seen many customers across the spectrum, mainly children.
Good for you.

None of the customers any worse than the other.
Incorrect. Some of them behave appallingly and allow their children to do so, too.


Ps. If they are that unethical, disgusting, inedible, appalling, depressing and ridiculous ( your adjectives, not mine) I am assuming you don't go in there so how would you know?
Somewhat illadvisedly, most branches of McDonalds have windows you can see through. What's going on in there whenever I take a look inside depresses the hell out of me. It's everything eating in public should not be. Plus, we are bombarded, as we walk down the street or turn on the TV, with unwanted advertising for their minging food. Sadly, we cannot help but know what it's like in McDonalds.
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That's right. My students weren't appalling though. And I am a caring person - I care about how children are brought up and I care what food they are given and I care what impact multinational companies have on the environment and on their employees.


Good for you.

Incorrect. Some of them behave appallingly and allow their children to do so, too.


Somewhat illadvisedly, most branches of McDonalds have windows you can see through. What's going on in there whenever I take a look inside depresses the hell out of me. It's everything eating in public should not be. Plus, we are bombarded, as we walk down the street or turn on the TV, with unwanted advertising for their minging food. Sadly, we cannot help but know what it's like in McDonalds.


But yet you make an opinion on other children from what you once saw through a window!

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1. The company's unethical policies world-wide

2. The disgusting, inedible, unhealthy food

3. Many of the customers are appalling

4. The depressing working environment

5. The ridiculous uniform


I'm sure there are more.


the irony is of course here, that KFC almost always beats Mcdonalds to overseas markets, outside the USA. A KFC restaurant almost always arrives in any country you could care to name first, before the Mcdonalds does. And don't forget, KFC is just as much an 'American brand' as Mcdonalds is. But mysteriously, the being anti-American-for-the-sake-of-being anti American crowd, have chosen to spew bile upon Mcdonalds and not KFC.

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the irony is of course here, that KFC almost always beats Mcdonalds to overseas markets, outside the USA. A KFC restaurant almost always arrives in any country you could care to name first, before the Mcdonalds does. And don't forget, KFC is just as much an 'American brand' as Mcdonalds is. But mysteriously, the being anti-American-for-the-sake-of-being anti American crowd, have chosen to spew bile upon Mcdonalds and not KFC.


They are ethically and in terms of the garbage they sell, much of a muchness, as I have already said. I wouldn't work in any of them. And no bile being spewed by me at least - just by their customers. It's nothing to do with anti-Americanism, although they do seem to typify the way the US has lost its way as far as food goes. If it is any consolation I dislike most fast-food chains.

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