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McDonalds employees past present and future.

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Great post, Resident, very interesting. As a customer, is it possible to tell whether a particular McDs is a company store?


It's all in the pricing.

McDonalds have favourable vat rates that allow them to charge less than a franchise.


Coffee at franchise = £1.28

Coffee at McDonalds = £1.19

I only know that because coffee is all I have from there.

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Not at all. I've had a number of jobs over the years, several in shops/restaurants, been a teacher and a decorator and a very high proportion of my customers have been delightful. Judging by the hideous scenes of parental inadequacy, sibling violence and general human delinquency on show every time you look into a McDonalds, I'd say most businesses have better customers than McDs.



I, on the other hand, use McD's regularly on long distance drives (e.g. Brisbane - Sydney, some 15 hours) as convenient stops with good parking, reliable standards of food and drink, clean rest rooms.

I can't recall seeing "parental inadequacy, sibling violence and general human delinquency" at all.

My granddaughter had to serve a very exacting customer once -- discovered later he was a "test customer" sent to check on staff conduct in difficult situations.

Now, in the public hospitals here, I certainly have observed "parental inadequacy, sibling violence and general human delinquency" on many occasions, and have had to intervene on behalf of threatened fellow staff.


Maybe Australian McDs are very different from British ones.

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Also a sandwich shop on chapel walk is all halal meat


Are you sure, can anyone confirm this? Do the authorities know?



They have a board out in the street that obstructs the pavement that proclaims that their meet is all halal. You'd be forgiven for thinking they seem to be proud of it. Whether or not the authorities know I couldn't tell you. They must had a representative notice the sign outside that blocks the pavement and they have as yet done nothing about that. Its in the thoroughfare and presents a potential hazard to the visually impaired.




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I, on the other hand, use McD's regularly on long distance drives (e.g. Brisbane - Sydney, some 15 hours) as convenient stops with good parking, reliable standards of food and drink, clean rest rooms.

I can't recall seeing "parental inadequacy, sibling violence and general human delinquency" at all.

My granddaughter had to serve a very exacting customer once -- discovered later he was a "test customer" sent to check on staff conduct in difficult situations.

Now, in the public hospitals here, I certainly have observed "parental inadequacy, sibling violence and general human delinquency" on many occasions, and have had to intervene on behalf of threatened fellow staff.


Maybe Australian McDs are very different from British ones.


I base my observations on various branches around the North of England including city-centre ones and ones on roadside spots. Whether Aussie kids are worse behaved than British ones is probably too big a question usefully to explore here!

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I didn't work for McD (oddly missed that job out) but did work for a snackbar (akin to a kebab shop/fish and chips in this country) in the Netherlands. Nasty, dirty, greasy work. But great fun.


I also worked in the Netherlands for a short while. Different industry but it was also nasty, dirty and greasy but great fun!

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I knew a chap that worked for a company that services fat filters

the filters are to prevent the fat getting nto the sewers

at many fast food outlets they used to take the filters out clean and replace them

he said at McD before they started doing their own

(I don't know what they do with it but they recycle their fat now..sounds worrying)

He said at McDs they used to have to replace the fat filters as cleaning was not a viable option.



then again the fat that's in the filter is at least not in the food


think i might start taking ivanava's advice and buy something healthier from the supermarket instead

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I knew a chap that worked for a company that services fat filters

the filters are to prevent the fat getting nto the sewers

at many fast food outlets they used to take the filters out clean and replace them

he said at McD before they started doing their own

(I don't know what they do with it but they recycle their fat now..sounds worrying)

He said at McDs they used to have to replace the fat filters as cleaning was not a viable option.



then again the fat that's in the filter is at least not in the food


think i might start taking ivanava's advice and buy something healthier from the supermarket instead


It's always been placed in a tank and collected using a licenced waste carrier. As with any catering business some grease does end up down drains.



Waste grease from cooking on the grills is placed in a waste grease tank and the waste vegetable shortening (oil), used in the fryers is stored separately.


Grease - Taken by waste carrier and disposed of responsibly


Oil - Taken, cleaned and turned into bio-diesel which then gets used in the trucks that delivers the produce to stores.

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I, on the other hand, use McD's regularly on long distance drives (e.g. Brisbane - Sydney, some 15 hours) as convenient stops with good parking, reliable standards of food and drink, clean rest rooms.

I can't recall seeing "parental inadequacy, sibling violence and general human delinquency" at all.

My granddaughter had to serve a very exacting customer once -- discovered later he was a "test customer" sent to check on staff conduct in difficult situations.

Now, in the public hospitals here, I certainly have observed "parental inadequacy, sibling violence and general human delinquency" on many occasions, and have had to intervene on behalf of threatened fellow staff.


Maybe Australian McDs are very different from British ones.

It sounds to me that your's are more like ours.Most of the ones in our Gasoline Alleys are clean, cheap and tasty. They often share the area with competitors like Burger King, KFC, Wendy's, Taco Bell. When you have a long way to go, You don't want to spend half your day looking for a place to stop and eat. I don't know where Alice came to for her to speak so poorly about our restaurants. They are clean, inexpensive, and polite. There is no equal to our steakhouses, seafood restaurants, pizzerias. We even have one from Australia, the Outback.
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I don't know where Alice came to for her to speak so poorly about our restaurants. They are clean, inexpensive, and polite. There is no equal to our steakhouses, seafood restaurants, pizzerias.


I came to Dallas, San Francisco, Wacaville, right down the west coast as far as Cambria, across to Yosemite and Sequoia NPs, Las Vegas and a few other places in between.


Clean - yes

Inexpensive - not particularly (exchange rate was not great at the time)

Polite - yes


Choice and quality of food - limited. Huge portions of meat, but virtually nothing for vegetarians. Accompaniments were generally fat/carbs, not fresh vegetables. Fries, fries and more fries. Salads were a joke, drowned in mayo. Fish dishes OK but expensive.


Very wasteful - saw lots of people leave a quarter or more of the food on their plate, uneaten. Portions sizes are ridiculous.


Even if I ate meat (which I don't) I would still have struggled to eat out healthily. Far too much fat and refined carbohydrate, not enough complex carbs.


Believe me, you have no reason to be complacent about your food.

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1. The company's unethical policies world-wide

2. The disgusting, inedible, unhealthy food

3. Many of the customers are appalling

4. The depressing working environment

5. The ridiculous uniform


I'm sure there are more.


Why does this post not surprise me, you look down on vast swaths of the population, obviously from some superiority complex you have.

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