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It’s Nice to be nice

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I have this saying in life,

It’s nice to be nice,

Giving up free time,

Should not come at a price,


Helping others,

Who just need that lift?

Can be seen as giving,

The ultimate gift,


A challenging aspect,

To raise a few quid,

So the notice reads,

At the base of the lid,


“Owt in the bucket,

Is better than nowt,

In the bucket”


It’s not too complicated,

As you pause to pass by,

To throw the odd coin in,

Here is why,


Cos little bits,

Become big bits,

That’s where we start,

Be it a penny

Or a pound,

It comes from the heart,


When it comes to giving,

Don’t sit on the fence,

It’s nice to be nice,

See it does make sense.






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