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Pensioners protest

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To be honest I know a lot of pensioners who are better off than people who work full time... is it fair they should get reduced travel costs? Genuine question..


In my opinion it is fair. I too know a lot of well off pensioners but my experience of being a regular pass user has led me to the conclusion that without free travel a vast number of pensioners would have their mobility severely restricted.

Every time I go market shopping and travelling by public transport I inevitably hear conversation about "the struggle" of making ends meet.

To expect pensioners to pay the ever increasing cost of public transport on the basic state pension (the lowest in Europe I believe) would cause hardship and reduce many to a situation where they would be living below the poverty line.

In old age it is important to stay active and get out and about. If transport becomes beyond one's means the consequences can lead to boredom and seclusion and most likely illness.

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Many other pensioners did likewise with the markets and the trains were always busy. Not any more...and it's quite noticeable!

I wonder how long it will be before the service is reduced due to under-use.


Is it better to have a busy train that nobody is paying to use, than a less regular one that all the passengers are paying for?

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In my opinion it is fair. I too know a lot of well off pensioners but my experience of being a regular pass user has led me to the conclusion that without free travel a vast number of pensioners would have their mobility severely restricted.

Every time I go market shopping and travelling by public transport I inevitably hear conversation about "the struggle" of making ends meet.

To expect pensioners to pay the ever increasing cost of public transport on the basic state pension (the lowest in Europe I believe) would cause hardship and reduce many to a situation where they would be living below the poverty line.

In old age it is important to stay active and get out and about. If transport becomes beyond one's means the consequences can lead to boredom and seclusion and most likely illness.


Not everyone is only on a basic state pension....these are the pensioners I'm talking about...

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Justify why a reasonably wealthy pensioner should get reduced travel whereas a low paid worker won't...I'm interested in your reasoning...


Shall we restrict the travel to only pensioners who have served in the war.

It is good to respect the elderly.

The bus pass is already universally available to all pensioners.

The majority of pensioners have paid taxes most of their adult life.

One day the poor workers will be pensioners who themselves can benefit from reduced travel. Is this good enough logic for you?

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One day the poor workers will be pensioners who themselves can benefit from reduced travel. Is this good enough logic for you?


Really? I'd be quite surprised if the free / reduced travel isn't completely phased out over the next decade or so.

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Is it better to have a busy train that nobody is paying to use, than a less regular one that all the passengers are paying for?


That's a loaded question if you don't mind me saying.


To talk of "busy trains that nobody is paying to use" is a false supposition. That implies that the busy train would be full of pensioners with free passes and I have NEVER seen that happen. There were fare paying passengers before and there are fare paying passengers now. There are less passengers overall than before because not all pensioners have done what I have done and bought an annual rail card (cost £30) which entitles me to a third off all fares (with some restrictions).

A less regular service is an inconvenience to all and will also cost jobs.

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Not everyone is only on a basic state pension....these are the pensioners I'm talking about...


The more well off pensioners will not be users of public transport. They will have their own more often than not!

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Shall we restrict the travel to only pensioners who have served in the war.

It is good to respect the elderly.

The bus pass is already universally available to all pensioners.

The majority of pensioners have paid taxes most of their adult life.

One day the poor workers will be pensioners who themselves can benefit from reduced travel. Is this good enough logic for you?


On your last point I doubt whether free travel will be available..so just in like a lot of things the pensioners of today appear to be the lucky generation...





---------- Post added 01-05-2014 at 14:59 ----------


The more well off pensioners will not be users of public transport. They will have their own more often than not!


They would still be eligible for it if they wanted to use it....

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Justify why a reasonably wealthy pensioner should get reduced travel whereas a low paid worker won't...I'm interested in your reasoning...


One reason is that means testing the OAP pas would cost more than it would save, another is that the well off pensioners don't tend to use them, they drive.



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