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Pensioners protest

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There is no austerity for MP's who called for a 32% rise for themselves last year!


Austerity is class based.



You do yourself no favours by propagating BS!

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It is a FACT!


It was an independent body that recommended that MP's have a pay increase and I seem to remember that just about all of the MP's were against it and voluntarily rejected it.

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Perhaps because the people its being offered too actually need it.

Pensioners don't need cheap travel at peak times - and the above passes probably have no restrictions on them.


So you are tyring to say pensioners do not wish to travel on trains anymore?

I think the people stood outside Barnsley Train station yesterday may disagree!


Do you think its fair that a pensioner/disabled person can come from Leeds to Sheffield for half price?

Do you think its fair that a person living in Derbyshire can buy a wayfarer for half price and come to Sheffield?

Also will people stop thinking this is about only losing free travel to Leeds, this is about South Yorkshire pensioners and disabled people being made to pay full price on the trains, anywhere in South Yorkshire. Some people are in wheelchairs, and its much easier for them to use trains if they were travelling from Sheffield to Doncaster. Under the new system, they will also have to pay full price for their carer. This affects, blind people, deaf people, people with serious health issues. The pensioners have paid all their life.

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It was an independent body that recommended that MP's have a pay increase and I seem to remember that just about all of the MP's were against it and voluntarily rejected it.


It's an interesting use of the word independent.






With your taxes!

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Misinformed and narrow minded is how I view those replies.


Do you know the individual circumstances of EVERY pensioner?


The quality of a lot of pensioner's lives is restricted by the withdrawal of free rail travel within South Yorkshire and to and from West Yorkshire from South Yorkshire. It places restrictions on their freedom of choice during their retirement. I'm fully aware that buses are still free after 9.30am but bus travel is much slower and therefore time consuming.

Please explain how and why you conceive of 11pm being "peak time."


Still not sure why anyone should think that pensioners should be allowed to go to leeds for free and what is so great about leeds that makes so many pensioners want to go there?


If you need a compromise how about putting free travel on the train back and restrict both train and bus free travel to between 9 and 4?


---------- Post added 08-05-2014 at 20:30 ----------


So...if I'm understanding you correctly you are whinging because someone else is, or was, getting something you were not?

"Once upon a time" is the stuff of Hans Christian Anderson. An 11pm deadline for free bus passes effectively means a curfew for the poorer pensioner...FACT!

Pensioners are NOT unemployed...they are RETIRED!


And are now being treated like the vast majority of the rest of the country. Why should SY pensioners be a special case?


---------- Post added 08-05-2014 at 20:40 ----------


NB: My keyboard has a fault which does not allow me to embolden text. Thus the upper case words in my response. I am not "shouting."


Your keyboard cant do CTRL + B?????


---------- Post added 08-05-2014 at 20:44 ----------


Also will people stop thinking this is about only losing free travel to Leeds,


That is probably because whenever anyone asked why free train travel was required the only response was so they could get to leeds faster and for free!!

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So you don't want anyone else getting stuff free unless it's you. They have withdrawn one concession nothing else.

I agree pensioners aren't unemployed they are usually drawing two incomes,private and public pensions.

They aren't losing a lot according to George from the Barnsley Alliance, £380k over 280k pensioners. But in reality £380k over a couple of hundred people.


My parents are due for free tv license,why? they don't need it for free.They are no more deserving than the next family.

Why do they need to be able to go to Leeds on the train for free, oh because they have loads of time doing nothing. So catch a bus and utilise a full day.


---------- Post added 08-05-2014 at 18:52 ----------



Being unemployed represents the inability to plan for a future or retirement, being poor in retirement represents a lack of ability to plan for the vast majority.



Tell me, how do you plan and save for the future when you work but can only just afford to put bread on the table? How do you plan and save if you are on 0 hours, and don't know if you will have enough to pay your bills next week? How do you plan and save when your rent takes up more than 60% of your take home pay. Or when you're in and out of employment on temporory contracts....?

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announcement this morning that concessions will be reinstated as of about 8th June, that oaps will now get a half-fare concession on the trains, and that disabled people will have their concessions as they were before.


I'm really pleased.

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announcement this morning that concessions will be reinstated as of about 8th June, that oaps will now get a half-fare concession on the trains, and that disabled people will have their concessions as they were before.


I'm really pleased.


Good news for the disabled passengers, but who is going to lose out now?

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