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Pensioners protest

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It's been announced on Radio Sheffield, Terry, and I was also actually part of the legal action.


Have they had the interview with the guy announcing it yet? I'm interested to find out where the money is coming from, and what services are going to be stopped.

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I'm interested if the 60 or original Barnsley protestors are now going to back down from their initial action to have free travel reinstated and still no travel before 9.30 a.m either.

A small minority of the 280000 pass holders making decisions to affect the livelihoods of poor pensioners.


(Disabled passes should never have been touched in the first place so reinstating it is great news)

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People power!


Or should that be Pensioner Power?


Anyway, good news.


Do you not view pensioners as people? ;)

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announcement this morning that concessions will be reinstated as of about 8th June, that oaps will now get a half-fare concession on the trains, and that disabled people will have their concessions as they were before.


I'm really pleased.


So you're happy that other people's services will now have to be cut to fund the money it will cost for you and your pensioner mates to enjoy subsidised days out? How very selfish of you.

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Still not sure why anyone should think that pensioners should be allowed to go to leeds for free and what is so great about leeds that makes so many pensioners want to go there?


If you need a compromise how about putting free travel on the train back and restrict both train and bus free travel to between 9 and 4?


---------- Post added 08-05-2014 at 20:30 ----------



And are now being treated like the vast majority of the rest of the country. Why should SY pensioners be a special case?


---------- Post added 08-05-2014 at 20:40 ----------



Your keyboard cant do CTRL + B?????


---------- Post added 08-05-2014 at 20:44 ----------



That is probably because whenever anyone asked why free train travel was required the only response was so they could get to leeds faster and for free!!


On point one: I can't believe you want pensioners to pay full fare after 4pm. Have you full grasp of what that would mean?


On point two: Pensioners everywhere, not just South Yorkshire should be treated with more respect and understanding than some have shown on this thread. I include the disabled too who seem to have been forgotten in the stampede to label pensioners as some sort of scroungers.


On point three: How very perceptive of you! 10 out of ten! I said my keyboard had a fault that meant I couldn't embolden text and all by yourself you managed to work out that my keyboard would not let me embolden text. I'm certainly mixing with the intellectual aristocracy here!


---------- Post added 09-05-2014 at 12:19 ----------


So you're happy that other people's services will now have to be cut to fund the money it will cost for you and your pensioner mates to enjoy subsidised days out? How very selfish of you.


I must congratulate you for being a constant source of amusement!


Excuse me now while I explode with violent mirth and undergo a failure of bodily control function!

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I'm certainly mixing with the intellectual aristocracy here!



Says the guy who claimed that IPSA (INDEPENDENT parliamentary standards authority) are not independent. :hihi:

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Says who the guy who claimed that IPSA (INDEPENDENT parliamentary standards authority) are not independent. :hihi:


You picked a lovely day to venture onto a public forum and parade your ignorance and lack of political nous!


You carry on believing that word "Independent" used in that title and I will have the last laugh!

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