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Rat digging under paving help

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Dig up the flags, kill any rats you see trying to escape and then reset the foundation for your shed, using an inpenetrable base i.e. compressed stones etc.


That sounds good, you need to destroy their run.

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Dig up the flags, kill any rats you see trying to escape and then reset the foundation for your shed, using an inpenetrable base i.e. compressed stones etc.



Almost anything else you do will just put them off for a bit but not forever.

Those repellers are crap and a waste of money. Rats are becoming resilient to some poisons. A good stop gap measure is to break up some glass to almost a powder, get some expanding foam and chuck in the glass and then fill it with foam, they like the foam but its not good for them, the glass is for obvious reasons i wont go into. Rats are filthy verminous creatures and you need to get rid any way you can.

Good luck.

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