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Common Agricultural Policy- advertisements

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bet that was a rivetting advert


as an aside, but slightly connected question - if we have a referendum on our ongoing membership of the eu, who pays for the publicity that will no doubt be forced on us at the time? - both sides will want to argue their case - will the for and against camps pay for it all or will the mug taxpayers have to cough up?

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The EU has recently been advertising at cinemas the supposed merits of the CAP.

No, I'm not sure why. But I do know who ultimately funds this malarkey: we do, the mug taxpayers.


UKIP also have a policy of having a lot of local referenda on certain issues. Who would pay for that? We would. We're also paying Nigel Farage's wife's wages. More people benefit from the CAP than from Nigel Farage's wife.

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The landowning aristocracy are getting scared. They buy and burn books containing lists of themselves. For when a real revolution comes, they know they will be the first up against the wall, unless we can be conditioned to target immigrants or some religious minority instead.


They should really be handing back their ill gotten gains, and we should either abolish the CAP or reform the CAP to reward food production rather than land ownership.

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UKIP also have a policy of having a lot of local referenda on certain issues. Who would pay for that? We would. We're also paying Nigel Farage's wife's wages. More people benefit from the CAP than from Nigel Farage's wife.


How do we benefit from the CAP? What are its merits and why should I support it?


---------- Post added 02-04-2014 at 23:16 ----------


bet that was a rivetting advert


as an aside, but slightly connected question - if we have a referendum on our ongoing membership of the eu, who pays for the publicity that will no doubt be forced on us at the time? - both sides will want to argue their case - will the for and against camps pay for it all or will the mug taxpayers have to cough up?


I've no doubt the IN campaign will get heavy subsidy from the EU one way or another while the OUT campaign headed up by UKIP will have to compete just with donor and member contributions.

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I've no doubt the IN campaign will get heavy subsidy from the EU one way or another while the OUT campaign headed up by UKIP will have to compete just with donor and member contributions.


funnily enough, i had no doubt that would be your assumption


i just wondered if anyone knew the truth (not, for the sake of clarity, that i am doubting what you say!)

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UKIP also have a policy of having a lot of local referenda on certain issues. Who would pay for that? We would. We're also paying Nigel Farage's wife's wages. More people benefit from the CAP than from Nigel Farage's wife.


Im totally in favour of referdums and the more the better it time we had far more say in the running of our country. So it costs a little, look how much we'd save by not paying into the EU.


Farage employs his wife.. he is actually entitled to employ staff and by emplying his wife he does help keep the costs of he and staffs' accomodation down a little.


Now benefits to the UK from the Common Agricultural Policy, people tell you we have benefits but no-one wants to list them.


Italy Greece Spain, in real trouble, most of Eastern Europen member counries not doing very well, more countries want to join but none are prosperous and doing well. We should get out before they drag us down with them and flood our country with their unemployed we have enough of our own thanks, who would not get benefits if they went to their countries.

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I've no doubt the IN campaign will get heavy subsidy from the EU one way or another while the OUT campaign headed up by UKIP will have to compete just with donor and member contributions.


UKIP have had The Daily Mail, The Sun, etc. advertising the out campaign since 1973.

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The landowning aristocracy are getting scared. They buy and burn books containing lists of themselves. For when a real revolution comes, they know they will be the first up against the wall, unless we can be conditioned to target immigrants or some religious minority instead.


If you honestly think that our landowning aristocracy and the conglomerates are scared then I think you are sadly mistaken. About thier investments perhaps or the amount of tax they pay. I think there is more liklihood of Blair and Brown apologising for their entire term of office than there is of us having a revolution.


Though that we are being conditioned to target immigrants or some religious minority does make perfect sense. Why else are they here if not become scapegoats at some suitable time? During the 1st and 2nd world wars we did not invite Germans or their allies here and make them welcome, we interned them.



They should really be handing back their ill gotten gains, and we should either abolish the CAP or reform the CAP to reward food production rather than land ownership.


However I do agree that we should reform the CAP to reward food production rather than land ownership. There are people with land getting more money from it to do nothing with it than they can earn using it productively.


That has to be wrong.





---------- Post added 03-04-2014 at 19:40 ----------


The EU has recently been advertising at cinemas the supposed merits of the CAP.

No, I'm not sure why. But I do know who ultimately funds this malarkey: we do, the mug taxpayers.


Are there any merits to the CAP Jeffrey, any benefits to the UK that are not offset by the downsides?


It already costs us a fortune to have signed up to the CAP what do we get really back in return?



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