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£3500 worth of kate bush tickets?

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my friend has 4 tickets for the show of the year - one of them for me. Astonishingly, they seem to be worth £700 each, possibly £3500 for the group of 4!! Wow wow wow wow WOW, as kate might sing on the night.


Does she flog 'em and have a 2 week holi somewhere nice? or attend the show and hope to god it really is worth the price of a decent 2nd car? for the record, I've advised my ticket be sold, I don't like kate bush THAT much.


What do you reckon?

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I would spend the whole night fretting about the cost of the ticket, and was I getting my money's worth. At £700-£1999, the answer would have to be no. The tickets'll be snapped up by the Made in Chelsea, corporate entertainment, City crowd though.

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I had exactly the same scenario with live 8 tickets,hindsight= should have sold them.

Your unlikely to get 2-3 thousands pounds worth of entertainment on the night.

Once in a lifetime opportunity it may be, to see kate or go to bali and listen to her album in the sun....

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Let's say she doesn't sing, how stupid are you going to feel foregoing a week in relaxing sunshine. I don't mind owd Kate, but she aint that good mate.


they aren't my tickets, my friend said do you fancy it if we can get tickets, which she did - I'm not a huge fan of kate tbh - I've given my tkt up, she can either flog it or someone who'll really appreciate it can go.


never seen such hype for a show - if bushy has any sense, she'll be booking the arenas for next year - hot tip to headline glasto as well I understand.


also, who the hell can afford best part of a grand to watch a gig?

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It'll be on youtube for nowt..and you'll get a better view.


Better still you can watch her on youtube in her prime and at her best, whilst sat on your comfy chair drinking what ever beverage take your fancy, and then use the proceeds from the tickets enjoying a couple of weeks on some tropical beach drinking pina coladas. :)


---------- Post added 03-04-2014 at 07:10 ----------


my friend has 4 tickets for the show of the year - one of them for me. Astonishingly, they seem to be worth £700 each, possibly £3500 for the group of 4!! Wow wow wow wow WOW, as kate might sing on the night.


Does she flog 'em and have a 2 week holi somewhere nice? or attend the show and hope to god it really is worth the price of a decent 2nd car? for the record, I've advised my ticket be sold, I don't like kate bush THAT much.


What do you reckon?


I just found this.

Apparently there is some small print on the tickets.


The 'lead booker' must be present at the event and show ID on the door, otherwise those with tickets will be turned away.

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my friend has 4 tickets for the show of the year - one of them for me. Astonishingly, they seem to be worth £700 each, possibly £3500 for the group of 4!! Wow wow wow wow WOW, as kate might sing on the night.


Does she flog 'em and have a 2 week holi somewhere nice? or attend the show and hope to god it really is worth the price of a decent 2nd car? for the record, I've advised my ticket be sold, I don't like kate bush THAT much.


What do you reckon?


The tickets are are too expensive, you could say they've reached Wuthering Heights. :hihi:

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