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Three quarters of society want mandatory 20mph speed limits.

Would you agree to/are you in support of mandatory 20mph speed limits?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you agree to/are you in support of mandatory 20mph speed limits?

    • Yes 100% in support
    • No definitely don't want this to happen

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Just read an interesting article from ITV who state that after a recent poll a staggering 76% of the general public want to see mandatory 20mph speed limits in all built up / residential areas in order to prevent accidents and save lives.


I have noticed a good few more of these 20mph zones in and around Sheffield when commuting in to work and have to admit I am all for them and have no problem with them what so ever, you only have to read this forum and the shocking stories of schoolchildren / adult pedestrians hit by cars to see that this is a good idea.


I just wondered how accurate this poll was and how these figures balance with the opinions of the people of Sheffield? Feel free to vote and contribute regardless of whether you are a driver or non-driver.

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did they actually ask drivers?


Well I am a driver who commutes into and out of the city every day and I have just openly stated that I am all for it. I really don't see what problems it would cause if any at all? All /most main roads around the city would remain at 30mph / 40mph therefore in theory it wouldn't really have any sort of impact on anybodies daily commute but even if it did I would set off 5 minutes earlier in a morning in order to prevent accidents and save lives 100%.

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If the main roads stay as they are then what's the point? As you say we already have 20mph zones on estates, so which roads are you talking about exactly?


Where are these shocking stories, I haven't seen any on the forum, surely you can link some?

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If the main roads stay as they are then what's the point? As you say we already have 20mph zones on estates, so which roads are you talking about exactly?


Where are these shocking stories, I haven't seen any on the forum, surely you can link some?


Because not all accidents happen on main roads? Quite a few accidents happens on estate roads mainly due to idiots driving at the same speed as they would on a dual carriageway. Obviously not all accidents are at the fault of the driver which is another factor to take into consideration, kids play in residential areas and a good few don't adhere to the Highway codes / Crossing codes and elderly people aren't as agile and can take much longer to get over from one side to the other which again is another reason and it safeguards us drivers from something that we would potentially have to live with for the rest of our lives.


I'm not going to scroll back through the archives but I can think of several "shocking" incidents in where schoolchildren and adults have been hit by cars over the last 12 months on this forum alone and thinking back to those, not all of these occurred on roads that you would consider to be "main roads".


Plus we all go on about how bad the pot holes are around Sheffield, maybe mandatory 20mph roads would help us drivers to spot these in good time and avoid hitting them and damaging our vehicles?


In conclusion I don't speed, I set off on my journey in good time and I have no quarrels what so ever should every single residential area in Sheffield go 20mph.

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The sinister anti-motoring organisation Brake, seems to have a lot to do with this initiative and of course their ideas would fall onto fertile ground with Sheffield Council.


I believe they did ask residents for their input in the Crookes, Steel Bank area, but as this is a student ghetto and it was not done during term time, it's hardly representative.


Perhaps our Council would like to publish the actual figures of how many people responded and how they voted.


Perhaps the would also like to publish the origin of the statistics that they are using to justify this action. If they are the ones published in Sheffield Voice, I simply do not believe them.


Driving around at low speed is surely a very inefficient way to run an engine. What research has been done on the effects of this on air pollution ?

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There's no point. Most heavily built up areas are too busy to go even 20mph anyway, and there's already 20mph limits on roads that actually require them.


This argument assumes all drivers are responsible enough to decide their own top speeds.

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