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Three quarters of society want mandatory 20mph speed limits.

Would you agree to/are you in support of mandatory 20mph speed limits?  

65 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you agree to/are you in support of mandatory 20mph speed limits?

    • Yes 100% in support
    • No definitely don't want this to happen

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I saw this on the news yesterday, apparently "brake" asked 1000 people in the poll


How were these 1000 people selected? Anybody know? Did they just set up a stand at Crookes & any bored student who showed an interest in 'Brake' got to vote?

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Because not all accidents happen on main roads? Quite a few accidents happens on estate roads mainly due to idiots driving at the same speed as they would on a dual carriageway.


And a 20mph speed limit sign will stop them?


Didn't think so... so why bother going to the expense of changing the law and then spending 10's of millions of pounds on new signs across the country? We'd get a better return on our money if we gave it to the police to target idiots instead of inconveniencing the rest of us with another crap one-size-fits-all solution that won't achieve anything.

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no idea how they select pollsters


Reputable pollsters usually try to use a larger sample & make it representative before claiming 'three quarters of society', so I'm guessing they didn't use a reputable pollster.


A lot depends on the exact question used too.

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The objective of slower speeds is not just accident reduction, its about helping people feel able to choose how they travel, because when they are less scared by speeding metal, they are free to choose other more active means of travel that are healthier for them and for our community!

So why don’t more of us 'Travel Actively', and encourage our children to as well?

When asked, people say the main one is Fear, perceived as Risk to self as vehicles speed past us.

Fear of traffic keeps children and old people shut up at home while those who would like to get out and lead a healthier life find that their anxieties in our street environment stop them from doing so. Tragically, our road safety record is now worsening, and more than half of road deaths and serious injuries, mainly children, occur on roads with 30 mph limits.


Britain has the highest percentage of pedestrian road fatalities in Europe (22.5%) and one of the lowest levels of children walking or cycling to school. Sheffield parents consistently cite traffic speed as the main reason why they drive children to school, rather than letting them walk or cycle.

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A lot depends on the exact question used too.


I was just about to start a poll that asked: Would you want your street to have a 20 mp/h speed-limit.


I remembered a Dutch article about this some time ago that actually led to the Dutch introducing 30 kph all over residential areas - this is the exact thing they did. According to the (very old now) article I found on it, over 70% of people said yes to that question, whereas 59% said they opposed 30 kph zones (thus another question). This led to the government taking the bull by the horns and rolling it out nationwide after it had been trialled in several areas.

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Brake is hardly shadowy. Have a look at their website http://www.brake.org.uk/

The survey was done in conjunction with Allianz insurance, hardly a shadowy organisation either, and conducted by surveygoo whose credentials look to be pretty good. The main organisation pressing for a default 20mph limit where people live is 20s Plenty for Us, headed up by Rod King MBE, and the local branch is 20s Plenty for Sheffield.

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The annual British Social attitudes report always gives strong support for 20mph in residential streets, usually around 70 - 72 % "strongly in favour" or "in favour"


Link to report in 2012




That is based on interviews with a randomly selected group of over 3000.

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The annual British Social attitudes report always gives strong support for 20mph in residential streets, usually around 70 - 72 % "strongly in favour" or "in favour"


Link to report in 2012




That is based on interviews with a randomly selected group of over 3000.


Interesting Ian, thank you for the link :thumbsup:


Whether it is good enough or official enough for Anywebsite is another story! What with the majority of opinion differing from his / hers opinion it must be another rigged and incorrect survey.

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