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I'm sorry for the rant!


But it's driving me mad how many bars are underpouring. Underpouring is basically pouring less than 25ml or 50ml. I've worked in enough bars in my time to know the managers actively encourage it but this is driving me mad.


For your information.. there's three popular different ways of pouring.


Mounted Optics >


This is when the bottle is held on the wall, and the barstaff has to push up for the spirit to run down. It cuts alot of wastage out because none is spilt and also the customer can pretty much see that they are getting the whole shot.


Jigger Pouring >


This is when the bartender pours the spirit into a small metal jigger of 25ml, 50ml. This means that the bar tender can pretty much pour what he wants, and belive me, he will. Every ml that he underpours you is stock surplus/profit. I often find bar tenders look at me before they pour, just to check if I am watching. Alot of bar tenders tend to pour with their backs to you or below the bar. Kingdom VIP, GC VIP, Wetherspoons etc and therefore it's hard to see what you're getting. I always look and it's always closer to 20ml than 25ml in most places. And what's more there is no point arguing with the bartender because afterall, you're drunk, he's not, and he can argue you didn't have a good view and act as innocent as he likes.


Free Pouring >


This is a skill by which the tender, turns the bottle upside down, and counts/watches the flow of the liquid and "cuts" the bottle upwards when 25ml has been poured. Alot of people think it's hocus pocus but for even a "half"-decent tender it's more than possible to hit 24ml, 25ml, 26ml ALL NIGHT. BUT! This means in his head he knows exactly what 25ml is, and therefore can easily pour you 20ml or whatever he likes! And what's more, unless you're a bar tender, there's not alot you can watch out for is there.


Ball Bearing optics >


This is when a huge piece of plastic is fitted to the top of a bottle, and it is when tilted at the right angle good for hitting 25ml. Basically it stops the liquid when 25ml has been poured, making the bar tender no more than a monkey that has to lift a bottle. The big problem is, these optics are ABSOLUTELY TERRIBLE. Different angle and it'll keep pouring forever, other different angle and it'll drip out in properly, leaving the tender to judge how much has been poured. This is abit of a nightmare :P Think they still use them in PLUG, and the Hallam Union.


Anyway, what I'm saying is, I went up and down west street and saw bar tender, after bar tender deblierately, significantly underpour me. It's driving me mad. Absolutely mad. One place, a club, we asked for 6 double vodka's. We probably got about 4 in total. And this is so phenom. Just wondered if anyone else noticed it anywhere ? Have you tried complaining ? Experiences ? In all the ways I've worked in I'm proud to say, I've never underpoured.


... and I'm not sure if that makes me a good tender or a bad one :P

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I tend to watch when I have a spirit, and if it's short then i'd say so.

At the end of the day I can refuse the drink and not pay for it, so that's 20ml wasted stock if they refuse to see sense.

Most places to be honest i've seen them pour upto the limit of the little metal jug thing and then a bit more, so i probably get 27 or 28ml.


I once ordered a whisky in Germany, he poured it by hand and nearly emptied the bottle, at least a triple and I only paid for a single. It was the night porter though, the bar staff had already left.

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I get round this problem by taking a bottle of Vodka out with me in my bag and just buying diet coke!!


A mate of mine did that while we were away in Brussels... Except she put it in a water bottle to disguise it... All my mates had a sip, I thought it was just lemonade or summat and took a big gulp... Good god I didn't half cough and splutter! :hihi:

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A mate of mine did that while we were away in Brussels... Except she put it in a water bottle to disguise it... All my mates had a sip, I thought it was just lemonade or summat and took a big gulp... Good god I didn't half cough and splutter! :hihi:


Thats what we do, thoses small bottles of Evian come in really handy:hihi:

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