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Spirits are underpoured cos the majority of bartenders are students who do 2 shifts a week and dont have a clue what they're doing. A bar owner doesn't usually care if a member of staff hasnt got a clue how to pour a proper pint or measure a full shot. All they care about is that the person they have hired can take the money from the customer and put it in the till.

Only when bartenders are paid a decent wage that they can actually live on will the part time workers who dont know their absynthe from an alco-pop be replaced by skilled workers who know how to do their job properly.

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Hmm actually I think you'll find at Wetherspoons they actually do give proper training in how to pour spirits properly and never ever encourage you to underpour, quite the contrary... proper measures and optics are used at all times and properly! They emphasise how you shouldn't underpour... and they get checked up on it too! So I wouldn't throw Wetherspoons in there... other bars tho...

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I have worked in about 15 different bars around the country and have never been told to deliberately underpour in order to improve stock by any of them....and ive worked in some real dives where you would expect that kinda thing to happen! There may be some bars where staff are "encouraged" to not give the last 2ml of a shot but i think they are few and far between. I still stand by my comment that the majority of underpouring is unintentional and could be fixed with proper training on the part of the bar owners

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Does it really matter? Whats a few millilitres anyway? I'd complain if you could see it was an absolute pitiful amount, but getting uppity about a trickle of spirit is a bit too "Tight Yorkshireman" stereotype for me. I like a drink that I paid for as much as the next person, but its not the end of the world.


Try worrying about something more important.

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