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Hatters, Railwaymen and Knitters

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Hatters, Railwaymen and Knitters is the title of a book by Daniel Gray, there's a chapter on Sheffield entitled:Sheffield [united, but with mention of The Rest.


He will be giving a talk on Saturday 5th of April 2014 at the Central Library.


Meet the Author: Daniel Gray - Football Fanatic

Saturday 5 April 12noon-1.30pm - Carpenter Room, Central Library, Surrey Street, Sheffield 1

After a decade's exile in Scotland, Daniel was about to turn 30. Using the 1980/81 season as his guide and the teams for whom it had been significant as his route map, he sets out to re-acquaint himself with England via what he considers to be its greatest asset - football.

A wry look at the teams and their towns.

Places are free, but must be booked from:

Telephone 0114 273 4727

Email centrallending.library@sheffield.gov.uk



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