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Should we leave it there - Maria Miller?

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And you're making a scapegoat, and let her carry the burden of all the other mistakes of the current and previous governments. :rolleyes:


No I'm not, this thread is about a particular MP and as such I'm making comments on that particular MP. This doesn't detract from or defend any other MP who is equally morally bankrupt.


I guess you're going to tell me next I'll be making a scapegoat out of the next mass murderer I may wish to comment on because I haven't lumped in all mass murderers?:roll:


As for ousting the "weaker one's" well old Dave is bending over backwards to prove that a fallacy.

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Actually, I found further information such that, I am glad that there is the committee in place to protect parliament, because there are always a way for opportunistic people like this reporter did.




As an IT professional myself, exposure to information, means responsibility to also how to use that information too. To your own gain, or to benefit the masses. She took her opportunity, staged it as such, and made money for her own gain. She already wrote a book on this.


The Freedom of Information Act in my eyes, it is really to see information to support one's voting right, and not to retaliate in anger or to use your emotion to wipe out a government. It is for educational purposes before you put a petition through. For her, she has obviously found discrepencies. Something as simple as expenses. Yes, well done her for starting this whole ball rolling, but I personally seriously like to slap her with a wet fish (as we so say using old netiquette phrases). Seriously, she deserves to be kicked out of the country too. UK is not America.


What a supergit.


An Activist ? Some people have better standards than she does !


Again, let me ask this question. Who runs the country ? The newspaper or the people ?

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Actually, I found further information such that, I am glad that there is the committee in place to protect parliament, because there are always a way for opportunistic people like this reporter did.




As an IT professional myself, exposure to information, means responsibility to also how to use that information too. To your own gain, or to benefit the masses. She took her opportunity, staged it as such, and made money for her own gain. She already wrote a book on this.


The Freedom of Information Act in my eyes, it is really to see information to support one's voting right, and not to retaliate in anger or to use your emotion to wipe out a government. It is for educational purposes before you put a petition through. For her, she has obviously found discrepencies. Something as simple as expenses. Yes, well done her for starting this whole ball rolling, but I personally seriously like to slap her with a wet fish (as we so say using old netiquette phrases). Seriously, she deserves to be kicked out of the country too. UK is not America.


What a supergit.


An Activist ? Some people have better standards than she does !


Again, let me ask this question. Who runs the country ? The newspaper or the people ?


Salsa, as an IT professional you know the benefit of clean code. Short, sharp and simple. I recommend introducing that principle into your posts, as I can't even begin to understand the point you are making here.


It is either that, or laying off the whisky.

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She should resign, as should every MP found guilty of expenses fraud.


You do realise that in the so called expenses scandal 52% of them had to pay back incorrectly claimed expenses?


Having said which, that would reduce the number of MPs to about the number required.


There are far too many of them, if you divide by population size and compare us with the US we would only have 187 MPs.


Therefore, I concur with your suggestion. :)

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Salsa, as an IT professional you know the benefit of clean code. Short, sharp and simple. I recommend introducing that principle into your posts, as I can't even begin to understand the point you are making here.


It is either that, or laying off the whisky.


Freedom of expression and a choice to write English in an expressive manner.


However, out of courtesy and English politeness. :rolleyes:


"Salsafan likes to slap Heather Brooke for starting the whole expense scandal, and taking out half the government with her stupidity."


Not rocket science there.


If you know your laws, then you would have known that a lot of laws do not make sense. The Freedom of Information Act was really a courtesy way of letting voters ask for further information before they make their own votes, and their decisions where regulations are concerned, and so forth. Especially if it is one that affect their own constituencies. It really is there to serve the people, but within reasons, and not expect perfection. Those of us who live here knows that. There even used to be game shows on TV or email circular as jokes about outdated silly laws. For this "American" to come here in the UK, live, and work, and found a loophole in the government's policies, and play havoc, in taxpayer's money, to investigate all this kind of stupidity. Something so simple and stupid as an expense claim. She needs to be shot. Or kicked out of the country. How much money had been spent on this expense claim scandal alone ?


They are not even huge huge amount ! What does that say about this whole thing ?

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Freedom of expression and a choice to write English in an expressive manner.


However, out of courtesy and English politeness. :rolleyes:


"Salsafan likes to slap Heather Brooke for starting the whole expense scandal, and taking out half the government with her stupidity."


Not rocket science there.


Thanks! Well, if that is your point, can I ask you what is democratic about a government enriching itself at our expenses and the. Getting rid of journalists who uncover them? Because that point of view has more than a whiff of Pinochet about it.

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Freedom of expression and a choice to write English in an expressive manner.


However, out of courtesy and English politeness. :rolleyes:


"Salsafan likes to slap Heather Brooke for starting the whole expense scandal, and taking out half the government with her stupidity."


You mean by their stupidity?


Not rocket science there.


Obviously is.:roll:

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Thanks! Well, if that is your point, can I ask you what is democratic about a government enriching itself at our expenses and the. Getting rid of journalists who uncover them? Because that point of view has more than a whiff of Pinochet about it.


She is wasting tax payor's money and time by distracting our government to chase stupid things, when they could be spending time to deal with the economy, and every other major thing which affects us as a nation.


Did you read my link ? She has been harrassing the government about this for how long ? Years. She has tried every tactic to do this. And when she discovered this, what was the amount ? It was not a lot. Not in comparison already by way of those spending time on HER stupid question, and HER request, and if we calculate those labour hours spent by MPs submitting their paper work, or resubmitting this, and the admin team rechecking datas, and breaking it down in formats by per MP?? Come on. That itself has accumulated to the 100k, I am sure.


She has absolutely no moral fibres. Apparently, she has won some stupid award now in the US. All these information could have been seen online already any way. There can be centralised reports from the Audit office. :mad:


---------- Post added 08-04-2014 at 23:14 ----------


You mean by their stupidity?


Obviously is.:roll:

You mean you expect the government to actually know all the receipts, and have every single bit of audit out there, when they need to continually keep in touch with the law, the policies, and also with the direction of the country, and the rest of the world too ? :rolleyes: Especially when IT budgets were not spent on areas that need more granular breakdowns than that of the NHS ? :roll:

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She has broken Parliamentary Law, not The Law.

What do you expect if she is abiding by a`Thieves Charter?'


Are false expenses claims not fraud? If I claimed £90,000 extra in expenses from my employer could I not face criminal prosecution?





Surely the Met Police should investigate this?

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