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Should we leave it there - Maria Miller?

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She is wasting tax payor's money and time by distracting our government to chase stupid things, when they could be spending time to deal with the economy, and every other major thing which affects us as a nation.


Did you read my link ? She has been harrassing the government about this for how long ? Years. She has tried every tactic to do this. And when she discovered this, what was the amount ? It was not a lot. Not in comparison already by way of those spending time on HER stupid question, and HER request, and if we calculate those labour hours spent by MPs submitting their paper work, or resubmitting this, and the admin team rechecking datas, and breaking it down in formats by per MP?? Come on. That itself has accumulated to the 100k, I am sure.


She has absolutely no moral fibres. Apparently, she has won some stupid award now in the US. All these information could have been seen online already any way. There can be centralised reports from the Audit office. :mad:


---------- Post added 08-04-2014 at 23:14 ----------


You mean you expect the government to actually know all the receipts, and have every single bit of audit out there, when they need to continually keep in touch with the law, the policies, and also with the direction of the country, and the rest of the world too ? :rolleyes: Especially when IT budgets were not spent on areas that need more granular breakdowns than that of the NHS ? :roll:


When are apologists going to realise that the likes of Brookes wouldn't exist if morally bankrupt delinquents kept their sticky fingers off mine and yours money? Why do you keep apologising for fraudsters?


---------- Post added 08-04-2014 at 23:25 ----------


You mean you expect the government to actually know all the receipts, and have every single bit of audit out there


Why not? I have to, or I'm taken to the cleaners if not.

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She is wasting tax payor's money and time by distracting our government to chase stupid things, when they could be spending time to deal with the economy, and every other major thing which affects us as a nation.


Did you read my link ? She has been harrassing the government about this for how long ? Years. She has tried every tactic to do this. And when she discovered this, what was the amount ? It was not a lot. Not in comparison already by way of those spending time on HER stupid question, and HER request, and if we calculate those labour hours spent by MPs submitting their paper work, or resubmitting this, and the admin team rechecking datas, and breaking it down in formats by per MP?? Come on. That itself has accumulated to the 100k, I am sure.


She has absolutely no moral fibres. Apparently, she has won some stupid award now in the US. All these information could have been seen online already any way. There can be centralised reports from the Audit office. :mad:


---------- Post added 08-04-2014 at 23:14 ----------


You mean you expect the government to actually know all the receipts, and have every single bit of audit out there, when they need to continually keep in touch with the law, the policies, and also with the direction of the country, and the rest of the world too ? :rolleyes: Especially when IT budgets were not spent on areas that need more granular breakdowns than that of the NHS ? :roll:


Talk about shooting the messenger. The MPs fiddled their expenses, the journalist helped to expose them.


And as for "She is wasting tax payor's money and time by distracting our government to chase stupid things, when they could be spending time to deal with the economy, and every other major thing which affects us as a nation. " If they didn't spend so much time feathering their own nests they might actually get round to doing some proper work.

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When are apologists going to realise that the likes of Brookes wouldn't exist if morally bankrupt delinquents kept their sticky fingers off mine and yours money? Why do you keep apologising for fraudsters?


Why not? I have to, or I'm taken to the cleaners if not.

I am trying to say that some people are not out to defraud. We cannot jude their moral radars just because they misjudged what the new policy is each year. There is a very good comprehensive webpage detailing everything about expenses on the BBC site here.





What the heck are you on about here? The likes of Heather Brookes already exist. People like myself know how the government works, and had worked for the governments too. But there is a level of professionalism here, or code of ethic. She works for a newspaper, and even if you know something about the government, don't you actually ask yourself, is this information of benefit for the masses or not ?


She makes people like MP this lose their own dignity and quit.



He was a decent MP governing the Treasury. Why should he be ashamed out of the running this way when he had been doing the job and did it well ?


The Internet allows you ALL sorts of information, AND discussions. It is not just the newspaper that people can get to. Not just TV either.


There is no reason, or rationale for a stupid journalist to take things down this road. There isn't. Maybe you have not been brought up in the Informational Age as I have been, and I can actually very easily manage to find information if I so wish. There are a lot of publicised information, which does not even need to be asked for and are accessible by the general public.

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I am trying to say that some people are not out to defraud. We cannot jude their moral radars just because they misjudged what the new policy is each year. There is a very good comprehensive webpage detailing everything about expenses on the BBC site here.





What the heck are you on about here? The likes of Heather Brookes already exist. People like myself know how the government works, and had worked for the governments too. But there is a level of professionalism here, or code of ethic. She works for a newspaper, and even if you know something about the government, don't you actually ask yourself, is this information of benefit for the masses or not ?


She makes people like MP this lose their own dignity and quit.



He was a decent MP governing the Treasury. Why should he be ashamed out of the running this way when he had been doing the job and did it well ?


The Internet allows you ALL sorts of information, AND discussions. It is not just the newspaper that people can get to. Not just TV either.


There is no reason, or rationale for a stupid journalist to take things down this road. There isn't. Maybe you have not been brought up in the Informational Age as I have been, and I can actually very easily manage to find information if I so wish. There are a lot of publicised information, which does not even need to be asked for and are accessible by the general public.


No no no. All wrong. Ask any small businessman who has to implement wages changes (and there were a few this year) amongst other things and you are taken to cleaners and fined. I have no truck at all for mps who at one moment promise us certain things and with little notice demand certain changes from the rest of us, defraud the tax payer. She should pay back £45000 today, then resign. I don't want someone who is either so incompentant she and her support staff can't work out why she's £45k out or she's deliberately trying to scam money out of me and you.


If there is middle ground, point it out. She is the current poster girl why the public don't trust mps to be anything but self serving money grabbers. She won't be the last either. It's not about the money (if they all took £45k it wouldn't change the world) it's about trust.

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She makes people like MP this lose their own dignity and quit.



He was a decent MP governing the Treasury.


Oh yeah? You mean in order to conceal his sexuality he ripped off the taxpayer for a grand a month for eight years?..that sort of dignity, not the sort of dignity required to feed yourself or your family, or pay for an urgent operation unavailable on the NHS or simply give it away to the poor or charity?


Me thinks your moral compass is up *** creek without a paddle.

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Talk about shooting the messenger. The MPs fiddled their expenses, the journalist helped to expose them.


And as for "She is wasting tax payor's money and time by distracting our government to chase stupid things, when they could be spending time to deal with the economy, and every other major thing which affects us as a nation. " If they didn't spend so much time feathering their own nests they might actually get round to doing some proper work.


Yes, I like to shoot her.


I quote:

"It was clear to me from my own reporting and campaigning around freedom of information that society is undergoing a radical transformation. The amount of knowledge in the world is now so vast and technology so adept at zero-cost duplication that no government, company or organisation can hope to keep control."


Did she know that the government had plans to get "online" as far back as 1990s, and this has already become true ? Did she know that the government spent a lot of people to get in touch with the citizens by finding more ways to spread information, or to allow ways for them to get in touch with the government and increase voting ?


"In an op-ed published in The Guardian on 29 November 2010, she wrote: "Leaks are not the problem; they are the symptom. They reveal a disconnect between what people want and need to know and what they actually do know. The greater the secrecy, the more likely a leak. The way to move beyond leaks is to ensure a robust regime for the public to access important information."[27]"

There is no such a thing as a "leak" when information is handed out freely and willingly. There is no hiding here. But for her to dig, and to push beyond the boundary of what is public information to that of the personal lives of the MPs, then this is quite scandalous in itself.


The kind of people that go and dig for their own gain is a little bit unethical.

Move beyond where ? The Freedom of Information Act was created due to work done by the Information Commissioner's Office many moons ago already. What the heck is she on about ?!






People complain about this government, and they complain about the government not doing the job well, but I wonder if they can differentiate actually from who is getting the most out of the situation here.


This one is quite sly and almost a celebrity journalist in this big wave of the Internet Generation.


---------- Post added 09-04-2014 at 00:25 ----------


Oh yeah? You mean in order to conceal his sexuality he ripped off the taxpayer for a grand a month for eight years?..that sort of dignity, not the sort of dignity required to feed yourself or your family, or pay for an urgent operation unavailable on the NHS or simply give it away to the poor or charity?


Oh yeh? You mean you could be him. Forsake the idea of a family and live in this idealism to serve people. Do the study, go to uni, hold down the job, and make sure that you get it right, jump through all the agencies, the regulations, the rules, abide by the democratic process, hold your own even when questioned, both publically and internally, and try to skirt a thin line to stay in your job, whilst making enemies either way ? Only then to have to hand in your own notice and be open about your private life, and actually leave the job that you tried to hold onto for so long ? As treasury, you are lucky if the budget is spent wisely by the MPs. If you are not, then you will be held responsible for it. Cos everybody would complain it is the person who holds the budget and set the budget. It is that person's fault. Even if you tried to skirt and curt within legal laws, or regulations, and mitigate risks, yet follow and meet policies or new bills ? Yes, I am sure that this is an easy job. Cos you will not get thanked for it. Certainly not publically. You may get a smile even from the PM, if you catch him, and if he is allowed to say any emotive words, in case it implicates and sway his leadership.




Or on the other hand, one should, eat bad junk food, not get educated, have a family early. So that they need to rely on you. Be less responsible. Blame the government for the lack of healthcare, even though it is free. Complain if it is not delivered fast enough to your whims.


Because if you were in another country, without money or insurance, or able to hold down a job, then you would have died already. Or can go onto the internet to appeal for money if you are lucky and if you get lucky. Write begging letters to wealthy people to get sympathy in hope that you can get some money together.



You mean that kind of reliance and dignity ? Sure, the government is here to look after you for life. For free !


Me thinks your moral compass is up *** creek without a paddle.

Let me ask you a question. Are you voting for the Pope here? Or are you voting for a politician ? I am curious.


I thought that people in this country is not religious. You cannot have a moral compass, and not accept the parliament's status as a sovereign institution.


---------- Post added 09-04-2014 at 00:38 ----------


No no no. All wrong. Ask any small businessman who has to implement wages changes (and there were a few this year) amongst other things and you are taken to cleaners and fined. I have no truck at all for mps who at one moment promise us certain things and with little notice demand certain changes from the rest of us, defraud the tax payer. She should pay back £45000 today, then resign. I don't want someone who is either so incompentant she and her support staff can't work out why she's £45k out or she's deliberately trying to scam money out of me and you.


If there is middle ground, point it out. She is the current poster girl why the public don't trust mps to be anything but self serving money grabbers. She won't be the last either. It's not about the money (if they all took £45k it wouldn't change the world) it's about trust.

Why is this about Trust ? the government doesn't trust you to do your job as the voter, since you do not even bloomin read or educate yourself, but you read crappy newspaper like the ones which crops up again and again, and not think for yourself. Why should the government not have another level to actually protect the flow of the direction of this country as a second level safety guard?


I don't trust people in this country. I cannot even trust that they read and digest things properly and morally either. So why should I even trust their judgments ?


I created and pointed out a petition before, and I do not even trust people on that thread to go and sign their own name on it ! They are just talk, and emotionally want to hit at someone, and not actively DO something about their own cities. What a load of rubbish.

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Oh yeh? You mean you could be him. Forsake the idea of a family and live in this idealism to serve people. Do the study, go to uni, hold down the job, and make sure that you get it right, jump through all the agencies, the regulations, the rules, abide by the democratic process, hold your own even when questioned, both publically and internally, and try to skirt a thin line to stay in your job, whilst making enemies either way ? Only then to have to hand in your own notice and be open about your private life, and actually leave the job that you tried to hold onto for so long ? As treasury, you are lucky if the budget is spent wisely by the MPs. If you are not, then you will be held responsible for it. Cos everybody would complain it is the person who holds the budget and set the budget. It is that person's fault. Even if you tried to skirt and curt within legal laws, or regulations, and mitigate risks, yet follow and meet policies or new bills ? Yes, I am sure that this is an easy job. Cos you will not get thanked for it. Certainly not publically. You may get a smile even from the PM, if you catch him, and if he is allowed to say any emotive words, in case it implicates and sway his leadership.




Or on the other hand, one should, eat bad junk food, not get educated, have a family early. So that they need to rely on you. Be less responsible. Blame the government for the lack of healthcare, even though it is free. Complain if it is not delivered fast enough to your whims.


Because if you were in another country, without money or insurance, or able to hold down a job, then you would have died already. Or can go onto the internet to appeal for money if you are lucky and if you get lucky. Write begging letters to wealthy people to get sympathy in hope that you can get some money together.



You mean that kind of reliance and dignity ? Sure, the government is here to look after you for life. For free !



Let me ask you a question. Are you voting for the Pope here? Or are you voting for a politician ? I am curious.


I thought that people in this country is not religious. You cannot have a moral compass, and not accept the parliament's status as a sovereign institution.


For Gods sake woman, put the bottle down. :roll:

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For Gods sake woman, put the bottle down. :roll:


I'm only doing a Heather Brooke. :)

But I support the other side of the argument basically. Especially now that I realised how this expense thing came back again. It irates me an awful lot when I realised who and what started the ball rolling.


No, I haven't been drinking for an awful long time. Thank you for your concern though.

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I'm only doing a Heather Brooke. :)

But I support the other side of the argument basically. Especially now that I realised how this expense thing came back again. It irates me an awful lot when I realised who and what started the ball rolling.


No, I haven't been drinking for an awful long time. Thank you for your concern though.


If you read the papers you might have known what happened last time and why this mp is getting so much stick.

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