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Paid less than three quid per hour

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Paid to learn instead of paying to learn sounds good to me.


As long as it's a decent recognised qualification (nvq3 level as well I guess?) why not? At 19 I'm still living at home and I've got more beer money than my mates who are at college come Friday night. But it really must involve teaching young uns though and not just an excuse to pay teenagers nothing for a menial job.

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If this link is to believed an apprentice ( under 19) will be paid less than three pound per hour!


Slaves to the system or what?




They will be paid the national minimum hourly wage for a 25-hour work week. The present minimum wage rates are just £6.31 (21 years old and over), £5.03 (18-20), £3.72 (under 18) and £2.68 (apprentice under 19)


what do you want, it states thats the current minimum wage for those age bands?

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