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Sex Expiration Age

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Rite, at what age do most people consider as the cut off age to stop having sex.


I have always thought people in their 60's decide to stop and let's be honest, do things even work at that age.


I have also wondered if when you find your soul mate, then sex takes a back seat to life long companionship instead.


When it no longer excites a person enough to do it. (Why else would a person stop)?


For men, the greater the testosterone levels the less stimulus is required to be excited. The lower the testosterone levels the greater the level of stimulus required.


In simple terms: A 14 year old boy could become excited with just his imagination alone.

A 70 year old man would need a woman much younger than himself to get there.


Caution for any woman with a rich partner: Keep yourself tidy or there will be a “trade in” for a newer model.

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A 70 year old man would need a woman much younger than himself to get there.


Caution for any woman with a rich partner: Keep yourself tidy or there will be a “trade in” for a newer model.

Are these facts, or just your own experience? :D


In my experience, women don't have a sex expiry date. I've got a theory that the idea they lose interest is more connected with they don't fancy what's on offer anymore, or they're bored with it.

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Rather offensively ageist.


So...at what age do you believe people stop being loving marriage partners and start being 'randy old gits'? 30? 40? 50? 60? Or when? And does the transformation happen suddenly, or gradually? How is one to know? And when one has crossed the line into randy old githood, should one start taking double-dose Bromide and suppressing all sexual feeling, or what? :rolleyes:


Come on then, you judgmental young ignoramus, explain your reasoning.


You seriously need to calm down - nobody is being nasty on here simply having a bit of banter. It's jumped up, humourless individuals like you that have everyone jumping through politically correct hoops, and all the human rights garbage that we now live with. Just accept that others have opinions and make jokes, it doesn't make them ignorant as you seem to think.

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Rite, at what age do most people consider as the cut off age to stop having sex.


I have always thought people in their 60's decide to stop and let's be honest, do things even work at that age.


I have also wondered if when you find your soul mate, then sex takes a back seat to life long companionship instead.


You should do a bit of research before posting what you think to be correct.....looks like what you know about sex could be written on a thumbnail.

' Do things even work at that age ' ........ Your implying that when you reach 60, your past it.


Rod Stuart, Mick Jagger, Des O'Conner are well past 60 and still going strong and turning kids out.


The only thing in a bloke's case that may prevent him from being able to perform is a medical reason.

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Rather offensively ageist.


So...at what age do you believe people stop being loving marriage partners and start being 'randy old gits'? 30? 40? 50? 60? Or when? And does the transformation happen suddenly, or gradually? How is one to know? And when one has crossed the line into randy old githood, should one start taking double-dose Bromide and suppressing all sexual feeling, or what? :rolleyes:


Come on then, you judgmental young ignoramus, explain your reasoning.


You seriously need to calm down - nobody is being nasty on here simply having a bit of banter. It's jumped up, humourless individuals like you that have everyone jumping through politically correct hoops, and all the human rights garbage that we now live with. Just accept that others have opinions and make jokes, it doesn't make them ignorant as you seem to think.


Steady on she's entitled to ask a question:D

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I'm in my late fifties and my sex drive hasn't diminished one bit,quite the opposite I think..



Do you have a speed dial viagra number? In response to bedders, men just look older > women sag as such. I don't think any sane man would make love to a woman over Fifty. It's almost sick in a way :gag:

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