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Afghan Elections

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Yes I did and as usual you went off on one of your abusive rants.


Again. No you didn't. You gave an answer, not the reason. Your answer was wrong, you are wrong, you are usually always wrong on so many levels, maybe your mixed persona is in conflict.

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Again. No you didn't. You gave an answer, not the reason. Your answer was wrong, you are wrong, you are usually always wrong on so many levels, maybe your mixed persona is in conflict.


No I was correct.



Female Afghan police have been receiving specialist training to search female voters and improve security ahead of the Afghan elections this weekend.

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No I was correct.


Repeating it doesn't make it correct..


Interesting to note that the State has employed 15 thousand women as temporary armed police officers to help oversee the elections. The concept of photo ID seems to be lost on you zamo..the women will be inspected by women officers.


You smugly offered the following...


So that people wearing a niqab and burqa can be searched and identified.


No, incorrect. The additional female officers were not set up so that niqab and burqa wearers can be identified, (your warped bigotry again ceaselessly kicks in) they were set up because male on female is intrusive and to allow women to vote without male intimidation... Because of your bias towards Muslims and particular garments you have tried to make a point that doesn't exist..it doesn't even exist as an answer in the link you provided below either. A male officer can identify a female with an ID even though her face is covered, all he needs to do is order her to remove the covering to her face..that isn't sexually invasive. You being an expert on all things Muslamic, including and considering the relationship between male and female within that culture should understand this..:roll:




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The afghans are the only people that can sort their problems out, and if it takes a civil war then that is what it takes, our interference is unlikely to solves their problems.


What if their problems become yours?

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200 people got killed, ballot papers were stolen/destroyed. Pretty sad state of affairs, but they did vote in huge numbers which is a very positive sign. Let's hope they can avoid the situation that arose in Egypt.

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Repeating it doesn't make it correct..




You smugly offered the following...





You should look at the time you edited and the time I posted, your edit came after my post, when I quoted you, I quoted everything you had typed. And what I posted was correct.


---------- Post added 06-04-2014 at 18:47 ----------


What if their problems become yours?


Then it would be time to bomb them again.

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Did you ever ask yourself that the cards may serve as ID without the concept of them only being used in voting polls? Or..it's a newly introduced system that isn't going to go online and working instantly despite Zamo's procrastinations?


They issued 21 million voting card (not ID cards) when only 12 million are eligible to vote.


The ID initiative is an American one with a 25 million input plus US training. Do you think it likely they'll invest that much with the vision of identifying the odd Afghan?


I wasn't splitting feathers, I pointed out your crass humour at ID cards and certain apparel as somehow polar. Iranians carry compulsory ID cards for many differing reasons, the fact that the niqab and burqa is also a norm isn't the primary object of the ID. You on the other hand seem to think it is..if not, why bother with the smart boy link? The US and France have an ID structure, are you suggesting because both garments are worn in both countries that their ID structures are inoperative, or is it the French and US government haven't understood the "concept"?


Take a closer look at the photo I linked to. You will see that two of the women have photo ID cards with no photo! And, yes, I would say that anyone who introduces a voter ID system but then allows people to opt out of having a photo on their photo ID, or to vote without removing face coverings, doesn't get the concept. You either need to ideintify people or you don't. And in a country like Afghanistan, where fraud is rife, I would suggest you need to identify people.


You might think it is a crass joke to link to the photo but it perfectly sums up how ridiculous it is to give such reverence to religious beliefs and customs. It is a ridiculous religious custom, giving rise to a ridiculous situation that deserves to be ridiculed.


I personally hope that the Afghan people are able to see that their religion brought on the last 20 years of misery and that they return a president that will take them down a secular path. Islam remains the biggest barrier to a brighter future but I fear they are going to get an Islamist president.

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