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Nuclear energy the way to go?

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As I understood it, Forgemasters was the only place in Europe able to produce the engineering required.


I'm sure Germany was also in the running, and took up the baton when the Forgemaster loan didn't go ahead.


I think the discussion should be left to that thread though.

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There are presses in France and Germany that are capable but they are not certified by the relevant authorities. The only place that can make very large, ie 15,000 ton castings is Japan Steel. They have an order backlog of a decade or more - they can cast at about 8 pieces a year I think


The lack of capacity is a concern and one that does need addressing. I think Forgemasters were holding out for a cheap Govt loan, well they can still get a loan at commercial rates and they will easily make the money back if they can take the business on from Japan. I rather suspect they are waiting to see if the Govt blinks first....


---------- Post added 08-04-2014 at 12:12 ----------



How come we had to close our nucler plants down, by order of the EU?


Are you sure you are not mixing up the Large Combustion plant directive? The nuclear plants that close have all done so due to UK rules about end of lifing the Magnox and AGR systems.

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The answers are debatable.

Google is not perfect


Forum users are not perfect either, an answer from a subject matter expert via the use of google is more likely to be correct than anyone answering you here. Unless they google it for you of course.

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