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Should supermarket BOGOF deals be banned?

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It is not just the "BOGOF" concept which is the issue is it ? It is the availability of these items to being with as well. Why are supermarkets in an industry called "Fast Moving Consumer Goods" (FMCG) to begin with ? The goods are indeed consumed very quickly, but now it is over-produced, and no longer need as many to consume. I also read the other day that, the business strategy in a typical supermarket is to stock at least the highest selling 100 items for a typical family, and then the rest of the other 200 items are really seen as fluff, and can be disposed of. The profit of a supermarket is based on the margin from an item, than it is based on the actual production cost, with overheads added on top of a singular item. It is no longer the case.


So maybe we should put in policies to actually target the accounting aspect of pricing, and truly bring back down the item's value for what it is to give us a true picture of things.

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Plus most places charge more for two halves than a single pint


Thankfully not in any of the pubs I drink in. I remember it happening to me in Ireland 20 years ago but I've never encountered it in Sheffield.

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