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Subsidised travel for people on benefits.

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So, you're unemployed but you've got an interview set up and it's 15 miles away from home. If you were on JSA you may be able to afford the first/second/fifth fare to get to the interview, but how about after that?


Would you REALLY want someone to turn down a potential job because they can't afford to get to the interview?


Yes of course he does, then he can come on here and spout his sanctimonious bull****.


I always think those who snub their noses at the unemployed are lucky to have never suffered the indignity and hardship it brings. They seem to envisage lazy ******** lying around in bed all day and singing all the way to the bank. Try it, and then comment.

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If they don't work stay at home SIMPLE


And how would they find work if they did that? And what right have you got to tell people what to do with their lives.


Despite being employed you don't appear well paid enough to afford a brain. Do the rest of us have to subsidise you?

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I have been unemployed in the past and I got no help. I found a job and I work hard I feel no shame in spouting your so called sanctimonious ********* . I didn't ask for any help and I didn't expect any help. I pay my own way whether it be transport or whatever. I don't feel that I should subsidise other people through my taxes. Or maybe I should stay home all day sign on the dole and claim every thing I can. What does Vulcan B2 think about that


As I pointed out I thought it made sense to get them back to work as soon as possible and if that mean helping them get to an interview that may be in Leeds or London whoch they otherwise couldnt afford to attend, then so be it. Once they are working, then they are no longer claiming. That might mean they would claim less.

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The employed get subsidised too, you know. People in work get tax credits, housing benefit, council tax credit, even jsa if their hours and pay are low enough.


Instead of being a nasty, narrow-minded bigot you may prefer to join the human race.


I don't get anything :mad:

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