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Sheff marathon results

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Flippin' 'eck. I run 8 miles once a week with longer runs on Bank Holidays. Anything more would wreck my knees!


A friend of mine is a consistent sub 1:20 runner (his PB is 1:13) and he hardly does any training too, probably averages one run a week like yourself. He's not in a club either, but he does have the perfect runners physique...


Anyhow, for mere mortals like us; I guess a few mid-week runs (maybe 3 to 5 runs a week), consistently over time, is bound to make a difference.


For me, I did Sheffield 2008, in just over 1:38, that's by PB. My 2011 time was 2:08. My 2012 time was 2:06. Then in got ****** at myself and in June 2012 decided to do a run every day for a month - I lasted 20 days before grinding to a halt (did 130 miles that month - wouldn't recommend ramping up that abruptly though).


After that month, I ramped up my monthly milage in a slower more sustainable way, and my target wasn't pace, it was just to do x number of miles for the month. Keeping a log / spreadsheet was a *massive* help too. Really encourages you, as you can see yourself improving over time, with the consistent effort you put in.


Hope that helps! :)

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I'd say I'm averaging about 120 a month at the moment; which I've built up to over 18 months or so. Most in a single week for me is 42 miles. One thing I find that helps and motivates me, is logging all my runs in a spreadsheet so I can see monthly milage, and also performance improvements over time. It great to see how the monthly milage translates in to better performance; as it just motivates me all the more to carry on!
Yeah I know a few people that do that, or upload all their runs online and track their mileage that way. I'm pretty much the opposite, tend to run by feel or by the pace of other runners. Don't even own a Garmin, though that might well change if I decide to go up to marathon distance later this year. Personally I find the racing aspect and the cameraderie of the club is more than enough to motivate me, never enjoyed my running so much as in the last few months.


Am also trying to mix up my weekly runs; so some longer runs and some short fast ones (a park run for example). I've noticed my performance isn't consistent though; some weeks (or months) I feel stronger and faster than others. I guess there's an element of lifestyle, diet, getting a good nights sleep etc.
I think so, there's so many factors that can go into whether you have a good day or not. I had a shocking training session recently where I felt ill after about six miles, then went and had a really good race that weekend. Everyone has their good and bad days, it comes with the territory. I guess you just learn what's good for your body and how best to prepare it for the days when it counts.


Tempted to check out Sheffield running club. Can I just ask, is the Tuesday night session off-road? What's the surface like? (sometimes have a problem with my ankle and not great on uneven rocky surfaces). Also, is the speed work session at the EIS, on their 200m indoor track?
Be great to have you along! Tuesday night session is usually roads, though we ran along Tinsley viaduct for a while tonight and had short stretches of soft path. There's usually a few groups that go off at different paces each doing different routes. Thursday speed sessions are done on quiet nearby roads or paths rather than the track. There's also usually an interval session on Tuesday as well for those that want to do it, race schedule permitting. Everyone is welcome down, it's a very inclusive club that has a good mix of runners of all abilities. Feel free to PM me if you want more info or just someone to meet and introduce you if you want to come to a session. :)
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Any idea if they took any photos with it being 'cancelled'?


I downloaded my 'official' photos yesterday. I don't normally buy them but the sight of me sprinting at the end, pursued by a roman gladiator, were too funny to miss out on. As was the opportunity to send the gladiator a photo of the pair of us, with 'official' chip time on...

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Thanks so much Gypsy for sharing.


Like Pete doing that sort of mirage would wreck my already dodgy knees though!


I ramped it up to quickly after my first h/m which btw remains my pb at 1.40 anyway developed chronic knee issues which flare up after to much training so do all my training on grass now.


One thing new to me this year is speed/tempo runs which I found really helped.


If anyone has a smart phone I really recommend map my run its free and uses gps to give great stats.

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A friend of mine is a consistent sub 1:20 runner (his PB is 1:13) and he hardly does any training too, probably averages one run a week like yourself. He's not in a club either, but he does have the perfect runners physique...


Anyhow, for mere mortals like us; I guess a few mid-week runs (maybe 3 to 5 runs a week), consistently over time, is bound to make a difference.


I won't be doing any 1:20s at my age! I did hope for sub1:40 this year but a bad cold wiped me out Thursday/Friday and left me struggling a little.


I may tentatively try a few mid-week runs. I would like to do a first marathon next year (sub 4 hours??), so will need to increase the mileage anyway.

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