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Should I make a claim?

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I will make a decision based on the majority of answers.


I cant do with these claims for nothing such as whiplash in a very minor bump of the coffee was too hot so not sure if im making a mountain out of a molehill.


I recently bought a car from a main dealer 3 weeks ago and paid the balance of over £15000 with 3 different cards. The company that processes the cards for the car dealer took twice the amount off each card and relieved me of over £30k. They noticed the next day got the salesman to call me and put the money back the next day. I understand the card processing is a different company but they are working on behalf of the car dealer and so the garage is responsible


My problem is I went overdrawn on all 3 accounts, I haven't ever been overdrawn on the last 20yrs, never had a late payment and the only loan I have is for the car I just bought. I got in touch with the 3 accounts call centres and was told that there would be no problem with my credit rating etc, however I called in at the Santander to speak to someone face to face rather than a call centre bod who will say anything to get rid of me and was told there will be 2 charges on my account, 1 for unauthorised overdraft and one for the extra payment. The other 2 accounts I don't know yet as not had my statement yet.


Im not looking for a grovelling apology from the MD, however a phone call from the salesman to tell me of the problem is the last thing I heard. I have spent quite a bit of time on this chasing 3 banks up and probably getting wrong information which I may not know till I try again for credit of the repercussions.


After all this waffle am I justified in asking the garage to make some sort of gesture, I will claim back any charges my banks give me but I reckon a free service from them as a gesture would not go amiss. They can lose the labour costs and the parts will be a few quid

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Ask them to pay any expenses incurred from their mistake, including any returned direct debits. Ask them to write to your bank and card companies so they are aware that it was not your fault but the card processor's. Also ask them to write a letter to Experian and whatever the other major credit scoring company is, explaining their error, and make sure you have copies of each letter too.

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What Mr Bloom said.


The card processors made a mistake. They or the garage need to pay for the following.


1. Any o/d fees as a result of them taking too much plus any interest charges for the amount of overborrow.

2. Expenses and assistance to set your credit rating back to normal.


You should contact experian to check what has happened to your credit rating. Their assurance is not enough. They need to assist you if anything has changed as only they can clear it up with the banks. Do not wait till you next apply for credit but get it done now. So your agenda is as follows.


1. Check what the damage is and what harm has been done in terms of £ and most importantly your credit rating.

2. Communicate in letter to either the manager or head office what you want them to do and expenses incurred.

3. Charge them your costs or whatever fee you want for the time wasted. Be realistic.


See what they do.


If they arent bothered, then you need to decide if you want to take legal advice and sue them. A solicitors letter may get taken more seriously. Your credit rating is important. The other costs you can decide how vigorously you wnat to pursue.

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