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Retired teacher ends life at Dignitas

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No-one really expects 89 year olds to use email. And TVs have been around since she was a child.


Yes, I thought she was missing out on some life enhancing technology as well as being fed up with the stuff. I think sometimes life seems to be racing away from you, and she was just too tired to keep up.


I do wonder though about her comments on 'the lack of humanity' she was experiencing. Something I think we all have to guard against.

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There was.


She had recently found her strength and health fading and feared the prospect of a prolonged period in hospital or a nursing home.


I don't blame her for ending it all, and hope one day the UK adopt a more humane approach to people wanting to end their lives.




me too.

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No-one really expects 89 year olds to use email. And TVs have been around since she was a child.


I'm around 20 years younger, and TVs were only just starting to replace radios when I was a child in the 50s. I can remember a rush to buy TVs to watch the coronation in 1953. We, like lots of other families didn't have TV til much later, 1960 in our case.


I understand the 'lack of humanity' she possibly experienced in minor ways nowadays. For instance, if she'd ventured out on public transport, its quite possible she might have been expected to stand, even though she was physically frail. When she was young that just didn't happen. :shakes:


As for going into residential care, its not something most of us would do out of choice, and if she had no family support, she might have dreaded ending up there. I support her right to choose.

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No-one really expects 89 year olds to use email. And TVs have been around since she was a child.


Not sure they were.

If they were you could only get BBC and that was in black and white and had low resolution.


No teletext.


State of the art in those days.

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I'm saddened that this didn't make the TV news. But I suppose a minor celebrity's death is far more important.


You've probably just summed up her feelings on life as a metaphor.


She was probably raised in an era when your neighbour was as much family as family...now sadly lost.

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No-one really expects 89 year olds to use email. And TVs have been around since she was a child.


i haven't read the article, but i doubt it is the existence of TVs that she had an issue with


if she was 89, her childhood would have been in the late 1930's and early 1940's. TVs were not commonly available at that time - you had to be relatively very wealthy to afford one and had to live in an area covered by broadcasts


most people went to the cinema or listened to the wireless


incidentally, there were no TV broadcasts during WWII

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According to one newspaper headline last week,it doesn't matter.

Can't remember which paper it was now, but apparently elderly people in NHS hospitals are being starved to death anyway.


This may be true in a very small no of hospitals but I don't believe it's holds for all of them.

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