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Drivers on Mobile Phones

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As a passenger I videod a woman driving whilst using her mobile phone for a good 15 minutes on penistone road and round hillsborough area. When we went our seperate ways I called the police. An officer came out to me. Saw the video, agreed it was digusting but said as it wasnt an officer who had seen her in the act nothing could be done. She said all she could do was go round to the persons house and advise her that someone had reported her and advise her not to drive whilst using a phone but could not do anything further. I felt more angry at the police than at the women driving! I videod the whole thing because my niece was hit by a car whilst the driver was on his phone. The evidence was there for the police to throw the book at!!! What the hell was the point! Next time maybe the driver will hit a child like my niece again! Police are USELESS!

Edited by Chazndave
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I have to agree on hom many people I see on phones. It seems to be more and more these days. Probably they know the police aren't bothered who only seem to be bothered about speeding. I've seen countless police cars including traffic police drive past people on their phone. It frustrates me as I've paid £400 on 2 of my cars to have blue tooth built in, but seems just to flout the rules!


Maybe they don,t care but I think it,s time people on mobile phones who are caught should have their car CRUSHED!! not just fined and given points on licence but have the car totally CRUSHED.If people knew that this would happen you would see a lot less people on the phone?

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........I have noticed an increase in people free-wheeling downhill though


Have you considered using your apparent psychic abilities for good?


But whatever are you moaning about now? ... when in heavy slow moving traffic it is far more ecologically and financially sound to turn off your engine and gently roll down hill. It also helps prevent your engine overheating.


Which even an idiot will admit is a far cry from the dangerous and widespread practice in the 70s of allowing lorries to hurtle down hill 'out of stick'



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But whatever are you moaning about now? ... when in heavy slow moving traffic it is far more ecologically and financially sound to turn off your engine and gently roll down hill. It also helps prevent your engine overheating


As long as you don't pull the key out by accident!

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Rolling down a hill, engine off - ?? - that would make steering and braking very hard in my vehicle. Not recommended at all.

Whilst talking on the phone, hand-held, is quite irritating as a thumbed nose to the Law, talking hands-free is not risk-free and the level of distraction from this legal conversation has been shown to be extremely detrimental.

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  • 7 months later...

Bigger fines and points are to be introduced for using a phone while driving.

A reporter from Radio Sheffield stood on the bridge near the Parkway and in just 10 mins spotted 7 drivers on mobile phones.

Why don't the cops stand on those bridges and get these idiots of the roads.

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Bigger fines and points are to be introduced for using a phone while driving.

A reporter from Radio Sheffield stood on the bridge near the Parkway and in just 10 mins spotted 7 drivers on mobile phones.

Why don't the cops stand on those bridges and get these idiots of the roads.

it could be due to elf and safety:hihi: the police officer would need to go through some kind of working at heights training course. he would then need to be harnessed to the railings so he couldn't fall over.

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Just as a matter of interest, does anyone know if it is the same offence for using a mobile phone whilst completely stationary sitting in traffic as it is for texting whilst driving past a primary school at 3.30pm


I'll bite, yes it is. Unless you have the ignition off and the keys removed. so if the traffic is really going nowhere then you could LEGALLY turn off the ignition, remove the keys and text away. I presume you are referring to some of the yummy mummy land rover driving clan who park up illegally 0.1m from the school gates and then leave the engine running so they can listen to Capital while awaiting Tarquin who is incapable of walking more than said 0.1m?

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