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Handyman prices

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Hi , i am wanting a handyman for quite a few round the house jobs , as ive just moved into a new house. I have been been given many different quotes that range from low to very high. As i have only recently moved here im not sure what the going rate is ,down south i found people charged mostly by the hour than job, so could anyone help with what is an acceptable rate for sheffield. Many thanks.

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Hi , i am wanting a handyman for quite a few round the house jobs , as ive just moved into a new house. I have been been given many different quotes that range from low to very high. As i have only recently moved here im not sure what the going rate is ,down south i found people charged mostly by the hour than job, so could anyone help with what is an acceptable rate for sheffield. Many thanks.


may I suggest that an " acceptable" rate is one that you feel happy to pay?

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