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Most Polluted Countries

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A Chinese artist made a strong statement regarding the region's choking air pollution by selling a jar of air he brought back from France for 5,250 Yuan, the equivalent of $852.


Liang Kegang, who hails from Beijing, visited France on a business trip and returned with a preserves jar of Provence air. He put it up for auction last month. Entrepreneur Li Yongzheng, was the highest bidder among about 100, according to the Associated Press.




Well, this is rather alarming and very disturbing for the natives who choose to live there.


There must be something in the water in Asia, North Korea dictatorships and Chinese pea soup :loopy:

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It's art, it is worth what someone decides to pay for it, in this case I think it is really clever. The Chinese are becoming obsessed with clean air, which is great. Don't forget that they are currently going through what we went through in the 19th century - rapid industrialisation, urbanisation and growth. The difference is that the UK lived in the pea soup for well over a century, China is already putting stricter measures in place to ensure things will be better. So some entrepreneur seeing the value in that message and who is willing to pay for it is clever in my mind, I bet he is the first ever to pay for clean air in that sense!

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