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Red Kites, Buzzards and other birds of prey murdered.

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The police and bird protection agency's are reporting the death of more and more of our birds of prey.

Vast area's of Country estates owned by the so called great and good in our land are devoid of these recently reintroduced species.

It is being alleged that as well as shooting these species the game keepers are putting down poisoned bait to kill the birds.

They do this to protect there own introduced semi tame game birds so as the! If it moves shoot it brigade can have a nice day out by taking pot shots at these birds and these will only fly if they are first flushed out by spaniels .


The land owners along with the game keepers in question go to the very top of British society and it makes one wonder why they get away with such behaviour where as if a couple of village lads just happened to take a couple of rabbits on the same land the full force of the law would be down on them in the flash of an eye.

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