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Oscar Pistorius Trial

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It's simply my opinion....I believe he's guilty (of murder)...and I'm not the only person of that opinion....


With respect I don't see how you can draw that conclusion unless you attended all the hearings. Media coverage will never be full coverage and may well be sensationalized. I suspect the only person who'll ever really know if it was murder is pistorius himself. Anyhew I should imagine this has been discussed to death in the previous 13 pages which I can't be bothered reading!

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I agree, Mr bloom. I've had harsher punishments for talking in class.

(Nothing but pathetic backside licking sentencing. Proving that if you're a rich white male, in SA, you can buy your own justice!)




or a serving black police man :D34 Maricana miners shot dead and the people who did it and ordered it are walking free, not even a trial.

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I agree, Mr bloom. I've had harsher punishments for talking in class.

(Nothing but pathetic backside licking sentencing. Proving that if you're a rich white male, in SA, you can buy your own justice!)




Perhaps if the judge had had the benefit of your knowledge of the case she might have come to a different verdict. Sadly all she had to go on was the evidence presented in court.

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Perhaps if the judge had had the benefit of your knowledge of the case she might have come to a different verdict. Sadly all she had to go on was the evidence presented in court.


But in this case 'unusually' the media and every Tom Dick or Harry could watch the entire thing happen live right in front of our TV's. Yes the media will put their own 'slant' on the proceedings, as will anyone who actually saw it. It's not like only the judge was privy to everything that was said in court. It was in the public domain. I got the impression she simply didn't 'like' the prosecutor, and dismissed out of hand much of what he said.

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But in this case 'unusually' the media and every Tom Dick or Harry could watch the entire thing happen live right in front of our TV's. Yes the media will put their own 'slant' on the proceedings, as will anyone who actually saw it. It's not like only the judge was privy to everything that was said in court. It was in the public domain. I got the impression she simply didn't 'like' the prosecutor, and dismissed out of hand much of what he said.


That's pretty much my take on it. That and a hefty dose of "Yeah right, like a rich white male is going to get the book thrown at him, in SA!"

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But in this case 'unusually' the media and every Tom Dick or Harry could watch the entire thing happen live right in front of our TV's. Yes the media will put their own 'slant' on the proceedings, as will anyone who actually saw it. It's not like only the judge was privy to everything that was said in court. It was in the public domain. I got the impression she simply didn't 'like' the prosecutor, and dismissed out of hand much of what he said.


Lets hope moderation isn't that biased huh? ;)

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I agree, Mr bloom. I've had harsher punishments for talking in class.

(Nothing but pathetic backside licking sentencing. Proving that if you're a rich white male, in SA, you can buy your own justice!)




It will be interesting to see if the Shrien Dewani trial is as much of a farce and a travesty.


I am certain Pistorius' celebrity status had a great impact on the outcome, which seemed it was always going to the be the case, which stinks to high heaven, but can be seen here sometimes too.

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I can't believe the people I have heard on the radio saying it will hurt him and it will damage him going to prison. Why do they think just because he is a celebrity he should get an easy sentence. I bet if she had shot him in the same way they would have been clamouring for the death penalty. I thought we were soft on sentences here but he could possibly be out and under house arrest in ten months, that's a nice soft sentence.

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I do know for an absolute 'fact' that the justice system in South Africa is corrupt like you wouldn't comprehend or believe was possible.


I have a friend who's lived there for 30 years.


If you get stopped by the police for a traffic violation...No matter what it might be...even drunk driving!....If you have the money you can bribe the policeman there and then....No matter what you do, if you have the money you can pay your way out of it. It's very well known by people that live there...and it's just a way of life....Us Brits don't have a clue of the reality....because it's too far fetched to be believed...But I assure you...that's the way it is.

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