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Oscar Pistorius Trial

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Occam's razor Janie



He murdered Reeva Steenkamp, using a high powered pistol, as she was locked inside a small toilet cubicle.

Witnesses heard them arguing before this. Texts showed clearly the deceased was scared of Pistorius. They were alone. There was no intruder.

Reliable witnesses testified to hearing a woman screaming for her life, "blood curdling screams', before the shots were fired.

most of the Defence witnesses were humiliated.


Pistorius was shown to be dishonest, evasive and interested only in his own survival - not recounting truth. Pistorius contradicted himself, and simultaneously proferred more than one line of defence. Claiming, in turns, self defence, accidental discharge, psychological lack of responsibility, vulnerability as disabled (although armed with a loaded pistol !).


Despite all this, the judge has taken Pistorius' word that he did not intend to kill, and believed the defence version which was peppered with striking improbibilities, which made it "not reasonably possibly true",

He killed a defenseless person in a manner that strongly suggests premeditation and the foresight that his actions would kill. He has just been driven away from court,to do 10 months :loopy:



you accept that Oscar could not expect the person behind the door to be killed by all the bullets he fired. To me this is weird beyond comprehension.

We live in a world where an unarmed woman, hiding in a bathroom, and screaming for help can be shot four times and just because the "experts" say it's not murder you go along with it ?have some common sense for gods sake !

but on the other hand it all could be a misunderstanding janie, Oscar just misunderstood when Reeva said that on Valentines day she wanted to be 'taken out'... :)



Oh if only we had a like button.:(


Even if he is guilty of murder with intent he isn't going to escape suffering, and if he's guilty and has any remorse it will haunt him for the rest of his life and he will never have any peace.


How could anyone other then someone totally evil live with that on their conscience?

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  • 1 year later...

This is good news , It cannot give Reeva Steenkamp back her life, nor end the grief of her family and friends, but at least that violent thug will be appropriately punished for his crime.

one of the positive outcome's of the Pistorious case is how its highlighted the difficulties incumbent in trying domestic murders; there are rarely witnesses and the deceased cannot tell their side of the story. I hope her family sue him as well!


another thing that bothers me is we still don't know why he wanted to kill her?. What made him so angry (or scared) that he fired through the toilet door.(4 dum dum bullets:huh:) They hadn't been going out that long.

This verdict doesn't give us any answers as to why he did what he did.

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