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How cheap would buses need to be for you to use them?

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Why would anyone need to, most people would simply dismiss the figures because they are so obviously incorrect. 55 million people don't commute to work because there aren't 55 million people that work. If 5.5 million people car share whilst commuting to work then its about 20% of workers that car share, that doesn't mean the other 80% drive alone because only 70% of workers use a car to get to work, the rest walk, cycle or use a public transport.


Of course they are incorrect. Like any opinion poll those who conduct them get the answer that they intended.



1 The AA is an insurance company. They will only ring drivers insured with them. They won't ring the millions of folk who probably don't even hold a license who accept lifts from folk who are.


2. The AA is an insurance company. People who are asked about car sharing may not want to give out this information if they think it might void their policy if they accept petrol money.


3. There are many company car drivers who are the most likely to car share but won't be contacted by the AA as they are not the policy holder.


4. This is the killer.... The AA may define car sharing as 2 drivers who take turns at giving one another lifts, and not folk who give lifts to their friends without thought of a lift in return.


---------- Post added 20-04-2014 at 10:27 ----------


Maybe not because I'd have to try to find a job that pays the same for the wife as well.


That's fine. You want to go on the bus and your employer is holding you hostage. They could probably give you a 15% pay cut and keep walking over you. I prefer to get my priorities right.

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That's fine. You want to go on the bus and your employer is holding you hostage. They could probably give you a 15% pay cut and keep walking over you. I prefer to get my priorities right.


Most people I work with do get use the bus and leave their car at home. Unfortunately if you work for the NHS you have to get your priorities straight and if you strike it ends up have a detrimental effect on lots of people's lives. So what is the choice?


Anyway my point is that people's travel behaviour can be changed.

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Most people I work with do get use the bus and leave their car at home. Unfortunately if you work for the NHS you have to get your priorities straight and if you strike it ends up have a detrimental effect on lots of people's lives. So what is the choice?


Anyway my point is that people's travel behaviour can be changed.


Peoples travel behaviour cannot be changed, it can be influenced. But if the NHS dictate to their employees that they must travel by bus it just makes those looking to work for the NHS less likely to do so. In any job you weigh up the hassle of getting there, the financial rewards and all other aspects. I want to live in a nice area. If that meant I had to travel a couple of hours everyday on a bus then that type of employment would be lower on my list just as it would if they expected you to work weekends, nights, bank holidays.

Like any business if you make it unattractive for staff you will struggle to find employees. If businesses find it too difficult to recruit in an area at a sustainable wage level they simply up sticks and move elsewhere.

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Peoples travel behaviour cannot be changed, it can be influenced. But if the NHS dictate to their employees that they must travel by bus it just makes those looking to work for the NHS less likely to do so. In any job you weigh up the hassle of getting there, the financial rewards and all other aspects. I want to live in a nice area. If that meant I had to travel a couple of hours everyday on a bus then that type of employment would be lower on my list just as it would if they expected you to work weekends, nights, bank holidays.

Like any business if you make it unattractive for staff you will struggle to find employees.


People's travel behaviour have been changed, and not by the NHS dictating that their employers must travel by bus. There is a car park that you have to pay to park in that also gets full early so if you want to use it, very often you have to give yourself a lot of extra time to secure parking.


For many people it's quicker and cheaper to use the bus, so many people have changed their travel behaviour.

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People's travel behaviour have been changed, and not by the NHS dictating that their employers must travel by bus. There is a car park that you have to pay to park in that also gets full early so if you want to use it, very often you have to give yourself a lot of extra time to secure parking.


For many people it's quicker and cheaper to use the bus, so many people have changed their travel behaviour.


The car parking arrangements are the decision of your employer. It is something that influences peoples decisions. But it cannot dictate them. You cannot force me to travel by bus no matter how hard you try. I know it is something that the council seems to want to do but it doesn't work. Meadowhall is successful because they provide what customers want. They have adequate car parking so folk shop there. As a result Sheffield city centre is dominate by empty units, betting shops and pound shops.

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The car parking arrangements are the decision of your employer. It is something that influences peoples decisions. But it cannot dictate them. You cannot force me to travel by bus no matter how hard you try. I know it is something that the council seems to want to do but it doesn't work. Meadowhall is successful because they provide what customers want. They have adequate car parking so folk shop there. As a result Sheffield city centre is dominate by empty units, betting shops and pound shops.


Who's dictating anything and forcing you to make any decision? The point I was making is that people often change their commuting habits, especially when it I can be more time consuming and more expensive to drive. If you'd continue to drive when you'd have to get out of bed earlier and pay an expensive premium to do it, then it'll be your choice.


As to the car parking arrangements being the decision of the employer, the multi story car park can only be so big, they have to allow enough room for patients to park. Also, would the roads around the car park take the extra traffic if it was extended. At the moment it can sometimes take half an hour to travel a mile with the existing levels of traffic during rush hour. I can cycle the 9 miles home quicker than I can drive it. So the car parking arrangements may not be the sole decision of the the employer.

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Who's dictating anything and forcing you to make any decision? The point I was making is that people often change their commuting habits, especially when it I can be more time consuming and more expensive to drive. If you'd continue to drive when you'd have to get out of bed earlier and pay an expensive premium to do it, then it'll be your choice.


As to the car parking arrangements being the decision of the employer, the multi story car park can only be so big, they have to allow enough room for patients to park. Also, would the roads around the car park take the extra traffic if it was extended. At the moment it can sometimes take half an hour to travel a mile with the existing levels of traffic during rush hour. I can cycle the 9 miles home quicker than I can drive it. So the car parking arrangements may not be the sole decision of the the employer.


Someone made the decision to build the hospital where they did. There was the possibility of building it on the Graves Park site or even Lightwood. All these decisions influence a person's career choice. That's OK. you are happy to bus it or cycle. I wouldn't. But then large employers like Toyota are also influenced by such things when they build a new factory. If they can't persuade their key staff that they would want to live in a certain place then they won't be locating near there. Some places are just that much better at attracting investment than others. And a crappy city centre where folk are forced onto buses is a big factor in that.

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