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How cheap would buses need to be for you to use them?

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Anyway my point is that people's travel behaviour can be changed.


I'm not sure about that, if your job starts at midnight or 1am the chances are you're going to drive to work. For some, having a car is necessary e.g. shift workers, on-site salesmen etc, for many it is not. I suspect most car users go to work with only temeslves in the vehicle, drive maybe 15-20 minutes and leave it at work all day until it's time to go home. I wonder what percentage of car owners in Sheffield do that?


---------- Post added 20-04-2014 at 14:06 ----------


They would have to pay me to ride the scum wagon.


How can you live in S12 and say that?

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I'm not sure about that, if your job starts at midnight or 1am the chances are you're going to drive to work. For some, having a car is necessary e.g. shift workers, on-site salesmen etc, for many it is not. I suspect most car users go to work with only temeslves in the vehicle, drive maybe 15-20 minutes and leave it at work all day until it's time to go home. I wonder what percentage of car owners in Sheffield do that?


And that of course is the nub of the problem. Once you have made the decision that there are journeys where you need a car and paid for the road tax, insurance etc you may as well use the thing for the other journeys too. Why would you want a car that you left in the garage?

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In answer to the OP. If your employer did what mine did, supply limited parking spaces, which often means you have to turn up to work an hour early to get a parking space, and then charge you over £7 a day to use that space, many people would use the bus instead.


I don't see how the NHS are dictating that you must travel by bus?


My employer supplies zero parking spaces. Not one. Most in town don't. Doesn't mean they're dictating that we have to travel by bus, rather that staff have to find their own parking.




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I don't see how the NHS are dictating that you must travel by bus?


My employer supplies zero parking spaces. Not one. Most in town don't. Doesn't mean they're dictating that we have to travel by bus, rather that staff have to find their own parking.


As I've previously said a few times I'm not saying that the NHS dictated that I must travel by bus.


The point I was making is that people often change their commuting habits by choice, especially when it I can be more time consuming and more expensive to drive than use the bus. If you'd continue to drive when you'd have to get out of bed earlier and pay an expensive premium, over £7 a day to park, then it'll be your choice.


There is no other parking choice with a decent distance of the hospital, as it either short term parking or permit only parking.


I'm not moaning or complaining, as I understand that there are limited parking spaces for everyone, and one way to ration those spaces to people who really need to use them is to charge an expensive premium, even then there is often not enough spaces.

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Why would anyone need to, most people would simply dismiss the figures because they are so obviously incorrect. 55 million people don't commute to work because there aren't 55 million people that work. If 5.5 million people car share whilst commuting to work then its about 20% of workers that car share, that doesn't mean the other 80% drive alone because only 70% of workers use a car to get to work, the rest walk, cycle or use a public transport.


Okay, if they're obviously incorrect then someone provide some actual evidence that makes more sense.


---------- Post added 21-04-2014 at 09:36 ----------


And that of course is the nub of the problem. Once you have made the decision that there are journeys where you need a car and paid for the road tax, insurance etc you may as well use the thing for the other journeys too. Why would you want a car that you left in the garage?


I leave mine on the drive for my weekday commute because it's quicker and cheaper to go by bike and it means I get 40 minutes of exercise a day "for free", ie in time that would otherwise be wasted simply commuting.


When the other options actually make sense, why would you take the car simply for the privilege of sitting in traffic and then paying to park!


---------- Post added 21-04-2014 at 09:38 ----------


Groups of people can have influence applied and it changes the behaviour of some of them.


Which in the eyes of those who want to cause a change, is entirely good enough.


If 50% of staff change to using the bus because car parking is made difficult and expensive, then they've caused a change in behaviour. Changing behaviour doesn't have to be about forcing people to do something.

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I'm a fan of cycling but wouldn't dream of cycling to work. We have a couple of folk what do and they do rather smell like damp labradors, and folk notice.


I don't think that I'd consider cycling to work if I couldn't shower before starting work.

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