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How cheap would buses need to be for you to use them?

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Or there's no practical way of getting where people need to be without catching at least three buses and adding hours to the day.


It's not about price for me. It's not having to wait 20 minutes in the cold with a toddler, freedom to go where I want and when, being able to make the trips I need without multiple buses, not having to subject a young child to the hideous language and behaviour of the school children round here, and not wasting at least an hour of my day when time is extremely precious to me.


I dont like sitting next to strangers who dont cover their mouth when they cough or stinks of that whole fag they tried to smoke in 3 seconds cause they saw the bus coming.


Using my car to get to work takes me less than 10 minutes. The bus takes 50 minutes (that's when it decides to turn up!)


I wouldn't use buses if they were free.


There are lots of decent, lovely people that uses buses. However, there are also many people that aren't! I'd rather pay much more for the privilege of my own car.


All of the above!


If buses were free, would I use them? I probably would, and I'd grudingly put up with all the above...


But would I happily pay £2 for a single journey of a few miles that takes nearly one hour including waiting time?



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I second that about funnling every bus through town, its stupid, i live at greenhill and my son goes to gleadless school, its 15 mins tops in a car or 1 hour on 2 bus's, each way so unless sypte do their jobs properly, the bus isnt an option for a lot of people


I've just checked on Travel South Yorkshire's website. If I had wanted to go to the golf club this morning by bus it would have taken 1 hour 20 minutes from the time I got on the first of 3 buses lugging my clubs to the time I got off the last bus and started walking again. I would need 3 different buses plus an awful lot of leg work and have to go via the centre of Sheffield. If I jump in my car I can do the trip in around 12 minutes. Add to that the time hanging around because the buses don't run when I want them my round of golf would have taken me 4 or 5 hours longer had I used the buses.


So once the decision is made that there are trips where I am going to use a car, the decision is made that I need a car. So insurance, tax etc has to be paid. So each additional journey only costs fuel, tyre wear and a bit towards servicing. So driving to the golf club would cost a tiny fraction of the cost of bus travel.

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It wouldn't be about price either. It would be about reliability.


I've lost count the number of times my little sister has moaned about buses being late or not turning up at all only to be fob off by some lame excuse by the monkeys that man the customer service lines.

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If it's only a couple of miles journey, one which a bus is tailor made for, i'd rather walk. :hihi:


I think it's about £1.50-£2.00 for the mile trip to town by bus, which i think is very over priced. I rather like walking too. :)


Btw, what is it with people who sit with their feet up on the seat opposite ? Filthy sewer rats. :rant:

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I've never used a bus since I came to the States in 1966 so I dont know much about them in this part of the world


My memories of buses as a lad in Sheffield were reeking of tobacco smoke, booze fumes after chucking out time, wheezing old gaffers coughing up their lungs and cold damp draughts of air coming through the open rear decks.


Too poor back then to own a car so it was hobson's choice

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Some people have no intention of using buses. They probably consider themselves to be better than everyone else ... thank god people on buses don't have to put up with such people


I will never, ever give up the motor and use buses even if they were free. Why would anyone want to share their journey with parents with screaming brats ,annoying people making everyone else listen to their music and smelly people sat next to you. No thanks

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