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How cheap would buses need to be for you to use them?

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I will never, ever give up the motor and use buses even if they were free. Why would anyone want to share their journey with parents with screaming brats ,annoying people making everyone else listen to their music and smelly people sat next to you. No thanks


I sometimes get the bus and never encounter such folk. Most often it's people chatting, reading, tapping their Iphones or just watching the world go by.


---------- Post added 12-04-2014 at 23:10 ----------


I've just checked on Travel South Yorkshire's website. If I had wanted to go to the golf club this morning by bus it would have taken 1 hour 20 minutes from the time I got on the first of 3 buses lugging my clubs to the time I got off the last bus and started walking again. I would need 3 different buses plus an awful lot of leg work and have to go via the centre of Sheffield. If I jump in my car I can do the trip in around 12 minutes. Add to that the time hanging around because the buses don't run when I want them my round of golf would have taken me 4 or 5 hours longer had I used the buses.


So once the decision is made that there are trips where I am going to use a car, the decision is made that I need a car. So insurance, tax etc has to be paid. So each additional journey only costs fuel, tyre wear and a bit towards servicing. So driving to the golf club would cost a tiny fraction of the cost of bus travel.


Your taking the mickey aren't you?

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Yes I think it would be worth paying a little extra if free bus travel encourages people to leave their car at home, but parents dropping kids off at school are responsible for much of the early morning congestion, so anything to get kids walking to school would be more beneficial.


This. I think more of the congestion is caused by workers commuting & more of those could catch the bus, but schoolkids are a factor too, more kids should walk or catch the bus to school.


Maybe not free bus travel, people would use the bus for easy walking distance trips then, but it should be heavily subsidised, maybe 50p for adults & 20p for kids? Make it cheaper to catch the bus into town & back than park your car for an hour. It'd encourage more car owners onto public transport if it was very noticeably cheaper than taking the car. If it cut congestion then maybe it'd save some money on road building/maintenance to offset some of the subsidy.


I was a bit young when public transport was privatised, but I remember it working well when it was still public & had cheap fares. London still has publicly owned public transport, maybe that's why the use is higher?

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I would walk rather than take a bus!


From Sheffield to Portsmouth?


---------- Post added 12-04-2014 at 23:54 ----------


Ban Chavs from using buses and you'd get a lot more people using them. I don't think price is an issue tbh.


You're the issue, why do you hate people so much?

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I will never, ever give up the motor and use buses even if they were free. Why would anyone want to share their journey with parents with screaming brats ,annoying people making everyone else listen to their music and smelly people sat next to you. No thanks


Some people will though, then there are fewer cars on the roads, so you win.

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