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Blue Badge misuse at hospital visits

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There's no trolling involved. It's a perfectly valid use of the badge to pull up as a healthy partner/parent/carer/friend then go inside to collect the owner of the badge, and sometimes it's vital to be able to do that because of the sort of help that the owner of the badge may need.


Monkey104 did not say that he parked for hours in a bay outside the hospital doors, he said that he pulled up outside the hospital to pick up his wife, which could be for merely a few minutes.


monkey said.. // I normally park in the disabled bay, jump out of the car and walk in Huntsman entrance. Fit as a fiddle me.

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monkey said.. // I normally park in the disabled bay, jump out of the car and walk in Huntsman entrance. Fit as a fiddle me.


Yes, he's fit as a fiddle and HE'S GOING TO COLLECT HIS WIFE WHO HAS A BLUE BADGE!


This is part of what the blue badge is supplied for. If my partner drove then he'd do similar because it would be more convenient in all sorts of settings for him to drop me off and then go off to do his own things or park elsewhere. He'd still return to park to pick me up though.

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monkey said.. // I normally park in the disabled bay, jump out of the car and walk in Huntsman entrance. Fit as a fiddle me.


You really are not reading this correctly are you.

It is my wife's badge who is disabled.

I, on the other hand am quite fit. I take her to hospital for physio drop her off and i go for a run.

I come back, park in the disable bay or across from them, go to pick up my wife and help her to the car.

Where is the trolling, what am I doing that is not acceptable?

I am there a couple of mornings a week in a silver discovery, in running kit.

Please feel free to approach me to discuss if you like, I am quite amenable.

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You really are not reading this correctly are you.

It is my wife's badge who is disabled.

I, on the other hand am quite fit. I take her to hospital for physio drop her off and i go for a run.

I come back, park in the disable bay or across from them, go to pick up my wife and help her to the car.

Where is the trolling, what am I doing that is not acceptable?

I am there a couple of mornings a week in a silver discovery, in running kit.

Please feel free to approach me to discuss if you like, I am quite amenable.


Yes know prob we can have a chat./ Next time you are there at huntsman entrance keep eyes out for a white ford fiesta in a disabled bay girl about 35 she is parking with her dads badge./ Saw her driving of friday night :help:

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Yes know prob we can have a chat./ Next time you are there at huntsman entrance keep eyes out for a white ford fiesta in a disabled bay girl about 35 she is parking with her dads badge./ Saw her driving of friday night :help:



Instead of all your spouting off on here, have you not tried confronting this lady to tell her she's in the wrong ? You could even report her ?

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Instead of all your spouting off on here, have you not tried confronting this lady to tell her she's in the wrong ? You could even report her ?


Yes i am going to have a word when i catch her alone./ In my world you do not snitch on anybody. I dont want frighten the girl as i am 6ft 3inchs and 17 stone so got to be carefull. Snitch what would my mates say i like that

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Yes i am going to have a word when i catch her alone./ In my world you do not snitch on anybody. I dont want frighten the girl as i am 6ft 3inchs and 17 stone so got to be carefull. Snitch what would my mates say i like that


I don't even know what to say about this post! Yeah, best be careful..

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Although there are bound to be abuses of the blue badge system I do wish some would think before criticising.

20 years ago I was in Meadowhall with OH and mother-in-law.

My mother-in-law had forgotten something in the car and my OH returned to the car.

We had used her mother's badge to park close to the shops.

The OP or someone similar had a choice word or two for my wife (able-bodied with badge) about parking there etc.

Her Mum had lung cancer and died 6 weeks later.

Rushing to judgement and harsh words from the ignorant risks a whole load of upset, I found.

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Although there are bound to be abuses of the blue badge system I do wish some would think before criticising.

20 years ago I was in Meadowhall with OH and mother-in-law.

My mother-in-law had forgotten something in the car and my OH returned to the car.

We had used her mother's badge to park close to the shops.

The OP or someone similar had a choice word or two for my wife (able-bodied with badge) about parking there etc.

Her Mum had lung cancer and died 6 weeks later.

Rushing to judgement and harsh words from the ignorant risks a whole load of upset, I found.


You are a numpty give over trolling :rant::rant:

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