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Have you ever had depression?

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Yes, and I'll let you know when I do.


Depression is very difficult, and it often helps to talk to a professional counsellor (nb: not a physcatrist, unless you've attempted suicide) - the problem is there aren't many and they cost quite a bit, and getting one on the NHS is pretty much impossible. On of the biggest problems I'm finding at the moment is when do I go to my GP? Just what exactly counts as "severe" depression that might require medical attention (or at least, should be noted on file)?


If you need to talk, PM me, please. Don't suffer alone: it sucks.

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i got a counsellor and a physcatrist and my GP tries to help but nothing seems ot work. Im on enough tablets to turn me upside down and shake me and i dont even like leaving the house most days. I just feel like curling up in a ball and rolling away. I try to stay busy but nothing works

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I think it depends on the type of depression you have. If it clinical then taking something may help. If it is more circumstancial then talking may help.


I had PND a few years ago that was quite severe, although I didn't realise until I was well how bad it had been. I refused all medication and was sent to Argyle House to see a psychiatrist. This worked well for me and I made a full recovery after about a year. I felt much better after 6 months though. I had been told by my GP and mental health nurse "why refuse medication when you can recover much quicker, why make it harder for yourself" My reasons were that I wanted to get to the root of the problem not just treat the symptoms. It may have taken longer but at least I made a full recovery and did get to the root of the problem, hormones to blame or not.


I had not intended to commit suicide, nor spoken about doing so. I think it was more to do with my denial of the problem that prompted them to take it further.

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For one tablets dont work in the long run but they can work for a little time. Nither does alcohol or drugs work has i found that one out,it takes it away the pain for a few hours then it back again worst, I still from time to time go through patches of this and i have had bad times with depression.


I found that talking it out helps and also diet too, I use to binge on chocolate and alcohol and it did seem to work but then came the guilt with weight so you be more depressed. I got a very good dr that i talk to at the hospital as i said i did go through a very bad patch of dipression 3ys back,and my problem was i held too many things inside of me that heated up over the years and just blew, So i gave up drink and drugs and went on a healty diet and this does seem to perk me up and it work, Also goin to the gym beats it out of me too. I sufferd with it and kept things in from being a very young age to the age of 26 when it all blew up with haveing a bad childhood (not due to my parents)

So i do know what it is like.

Best way i found it what i just said and that was also the dr way. I dont know how long or why your depressed if it a mental problem or health or just that you think people may not like you,but also this way does not work straight away but in time it does help. talk to your droctor that can also help as people are differnt but 9 time out 10 it boils down to changeing diet and getting sleep and just chilling and talking it out.and if your counsellor is not working then were are you goin. as i know pleanty of places maybe i been to same as you, but i know some great people that do help you and have done me and i sufferd for many years.

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I have had depression for 2 or maybe 3 years now, it gets better slightly and then it gets knocked straight back down again. My depression started due to my childhood and it just has never seemed to get better. My counsellor does work sometimes but shes on maternity leave at the moment and when i dont feel like going out the house i dont see her. I Have many problems that cant just be solved straight away and i wish they could. i just need something that will help me get over it because it really is now hitting rock bottom :(

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It really depends upon the nature of the depression as to whether the tablets work 'long term'. SSRIs do seem to keep working year in year out for many people where the problem is related to screwed up biochemistry, but if the problem is 'situational' then they don't work as well.


Good diet, sleep, excercise and (oddly enough) making sure you drink enough water will help, as will avoiding the booze and sugarry foods which cause mood swings due to blood sugar changes. Some food additives have a drastic effect on mood as well, and it goes without saying that if you're depressed you shoudl avoid recreational drugs, especially stuff like Ecstacy which frazzles the mood control parts of the brain.


I was clinically depressed for a few months in the late 1990s, and found SSRIs helped me out of it. It was caused by a bereavement, illness and a few other problems, so the SSRIs gave me space to work in.


I stopped taking them after a few months (under the supervision of my doctor) and started to sort my life out. The depression's not really bothered me since, but teh sorting out of life continues. :)



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There are threads here, here and here which might help.


From memory, there's quite a few others as well.


The first thing with the depression is that the sufferer has to want to help him/herself. If they're not prepared to make an effort, then nothing anyone else does, including prescribing drugs, is going to help in the long-term. If the sufferer sits back and waits for somebody to cure him/her, then that cure won't come, simple as that.


Regular exercise (more than once a week) is supposed to help as well.

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I have also had a couple of bouts of depression, the first time I went to counselling and after about a year was feeling much much better, however it did come back, so the second time I took the pills, which worked a lot quicker but did have some iffy side effects.

What I found really helped in the longer term, was to have a network of understanding friends, colleagues and confidantes, whi I could talk to, and in a lot of cases, had been through it themselves.

I still rely on my friends to this day, but thankfully they are a great bunch of people who can always help me through a 'black dog' day.

It's hard, but trust in a few good people and they can help you through.

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It really depends upon the nature of the depression as to whether the tablets work 'long term'. SSRIs do seem to keep working year in year out for many people where the problem is related to screwed up biochemistry, but if the problem is 'situational' then they don't work as well.


Good diet, sleep, excercise and (oddly enough) making sure you drink enough water will help, as will avoiding the booze and sugarry foods which cause mood swings due to blood sugar changes. Some food additives have a drastic effect on mood as well, and it goes without saying that if you're depressed you shoudl avoid recreational drugs, especially stuff like Ecstacy which frazzles the mood control parts of the brain.


I was clinically depressed for a few months in the late 1990s, and found SSRIs helped me out of it. It was caused by a bereavement, illness and a few other problems, so the SSRIs gave me space to work in.


I stopped taking them after a few months (under the supervision of my doctor) and started to sort my life out. The depression's not really bothered me since, but teh sorting out of life continues. :)





I understand that jo as i did state in my fisrt post that people are differnt and best to talk it out with your dr too.

I for one took me many types of tablets that only worked little. iam on some kind of tablet now but that to help me sleep (well knock me out) as ive not sleep for many years now and this was due to depression and drug and drink takeing as i did self medicate myself and this was due to me not sleeping as i was scared to sleep at one point , but since takeing these and getting sleep it does help and sleeping made me think clear and have a open mind and be alble to talk to people.

I ditch the depressive tablet has i ither was a zombie in the day or they did not work, so i took up eating right and going to the gym as i thought the dr was mad by saying this to me as if the tablets did not work then how the gym going to cure it, but it is helping this way and i got just over 10 weeks left now i been on it a month and i feal like i got energy, im not cured 100% as it been a long time what i been through, but with the right help and support i got from northlands and WOW it seems to be helping a lot.

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