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Have you ever had depression?

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Thanks joe p happy hoosier and ppn for all your advice i have deffinitely got the ocd problem and will see the doc on monday morning but it is strange my mood improves with more light at this time of year with the s.a.d problem during the darker days.

I even listen to more morose music like O M D "DAZZLE SHIPS" sounds wacky and more like a theme tune to a funeral than a cd.

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I have been feeling down for the past two week,s low mood etc.

I dont say anything just try to get through it on my own, but someone asked me how I were feeling the other day and i told them I was down the responce I got was this "your always thinking of yourself never of others get a grip and stop moaning" thats why I never say I am feeling down.

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We have a history of depression in the family. Unfortunately it affected me from late teens to mid twenties. My sister also suffers from it, and due to reliance on medication, probably always will now! I am grateful that my doctor cautioned me against medication as all the negatives he told me about I now see in my sister (dependence on the drug, which leads to anxiety that you are addicted, which leads to depression, which leads to an overdose seeing as the tablets are there for you to take!) It is a never-ending spiral with her now, and it was caused by her GP not actually realizing that depression and manic-depression are 2 seperate things!


My depression would be all swings and roundabouts, I could be high one minute then at the lowest ebb the next. I used to trash rooms, smash glass, anything to get the 'bad thoughts' out. Unfortunately on my lowest ebbs this meant cutting myself, beating myself, just basically punishing myself most of the time. I used to have long hair right down my back, but sat for 2 hours one day contemplating thrusting scissors into my eyes, and managed to stop myself by hacking my 7 years of finely grown hair off.


I look back at what I was then and I feel terrible for those who were around me. A girl who I lived with for 3 of the worst years of my mental instability must have gone through hell for me.


So, what stopped it all? Strangely it was the best attempt at killing myself to date. A fine series of cuts down my left arm, resulting in quite a nice, deep one in the wrist! As I watched the blood pump out, I realised then that I didn't want to die.


Obviously I survived. I began meditation to 'lock' the bad moods away, and channel them out in more positive ways. Be a sceptic if you wish, but it works for me. I hold the key to my depressive side now, and I let the bad thoughts out when it suits me.


The biggest factor in my mental state being more stable now is my wife. It is since meeting her that I have begun to control my emotions a lot better. She understands when I am at a low, and knows exactly what to do at those times (bear with me, reassure me, and secretly phone my mates and get them to pop around on a 'surprise visit'). I'm lucky that I have a wife who understands so much, and that my friends are truely that.

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Just like terrorists, depression can strike anyone at any time. Always be positive and look at the brighter side of life. If you are living under the influence of others, most likely you will suffer. If you are in control of your life, chances are you will be more confident, happy and keep depression at bay.

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  • 3 years later...

I have bad depression caused by emotional and psychological trauma this can come under PTS (Post traumatic stress disorder). I suffer from traumatic stress to and this causes problems with how I for relationships with people, My way of understanding people and how they come across,anxiety and many other problems.


This is caused by the abuse I went through as a child.It is also triggered by a humiliating or bad experiance. Had one to many of them I tell ya, I am doing art therapy and seeing a psychologist. And am on medication I get suicidal thougts and have my disibility to contend with as well. It is horrible, and all I can do is live day by day. Hate not knowing what mood I may wake up in or how I will feel.


They think I will need treatment for a year at least for it. And they want to make sure I have trestment when I leave hospital. It is the hardest thing for yourself and others to deal with. And I find that my relationships with people are hard as I can form hardly any bond with people. And can not express feeling for them or tell them what I feel. I have no sense of value or self woth for myself. But like I said these are all things im working on. x

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Ive been suffering from depression for about 6 months now due to my marriage break up and the crap he put me through. I was always the outgoing one who was the life and soul of everything but not anymore im ashamed to say i self harm its not clever to do it but it takes away the pain i am feeling i am also on anti depressants but they make me feel so poorly i just wish there was light at the end of the tunnel. I would love to get back to my old self and get to how i was but at the min i cant see a way out if this xxx

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I can't say ive ever had depression as such, but i do have my ups and downs.


As anyone ever heard of tony robbins?


He's the No one motivational speaker in america, and before you say it, I never used to take poeple like that serious....who wants go to bed with ear phones on having some muppet telling you your fab. But I have to say that this man as changed my mind.


I invested in his "get the edge" CD pack, and ive never regreted it. The things that he made me aware of, not only about myself but also human behaviour in general were mind blowing.


He made me aware that when you start to tell yourself that this is it...that nothing's going to get any better...then your right!.


As I say ive never had depression as such and I know its a complex and sensative subject so pls dont think im lecturing. I just highly recomend that you google him, may be even get the CD's. Would be great to hear from you again if you do.

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I'm currently suffering from depression and have been medicated for about 4 months now, the dosage being increased because it was hardly touching me. I had been suicidal before and flip in and out of it currently, but my previous GP advised me the only problems to expect from Prozac were euphoria. I was in hospital after a naffed-up attempt at doing myself in and changed doctors sooner than you could say 'is it safe to send you home now?'. I suffer from very severe self-harm, and have been this way since I was 14, though didn't realise the patterns over the years. I'm about to lose my job due to an occupational health report, from my job where I haven't been there long enough to have rights, on the basis that my depression has been triggered by huge life changes last summer- moving home away from my partner, who then went down south, and proceeded to say it was 'quite crap that I wanted to die'.... and going to the police over a historic abuse case, which is going to take a long time to even get to court, implying my mood will fluctuate until post-case counselling kicks in.



Had I not had housemates who were incredibly supportive and literally called the mental health organisations when I physically couldn't do anything for myself, I would probably not be around now. I find when I'm in incredibly black days it helps to either avoid any kind of alcohol, and sleep for however long it takes for me to be too drained to do anything harmful to myself. Or acknowledge and proceed to, but force myself to sleep immediately after to avoid worsening the situation or letting my thoughts spiral to critical levels.


I'm on every waiting list going for psychological treatment and luckily have a very supportive doctor, but some days it's impossible to keep going at times.

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