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WANTED: Singers/Female/Acoustic 26th!


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I'm holding an event on the 26th April (Saturday)Town Center 5:00pm - 2:00am


There will be a variety of acts including, Rappers/M.C's and more. As well as D.J's Playing a wide genre of music. As well as live art and more. I'm looking for female/ male solo singers/ acoustic ect. We're basically after a mixture. Unfortunately this is unpaid since this is just our first event but may be paid in future events, However we're happy if you bring along mixtapes/albums ect to sell on the night. And we can sort a few drinks out ;). If your interested in this could you please get back to me as soon as possible/ Message me. And i'll be happy to give more details i.e location ect. Please Only Contact me If yo are truly interested as i'm on a tight schedule to get things ready. Thanks :)

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