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Grapes at Dalton

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Did anyone used to go to the grapes back in the 60s.We used to go thursday nights as it was one of very few that had a dj.Went in car,usually had to pay local kids to "watch your car" in the car park,drank far to much but still drove back to queens road in sheffield for a few games of bowls.

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Used it a few times in the 70s it was a tad on the rough side alright,a salesman at our firm with a big head and mouth to match got his jaw broken there one night!.I took the bride one Saturday evening afterwards we went for a Chinese on Wellgate parking the car in the Hare and Hounds car park!.After our meal we strolled back to find the car missing,at that moment a police constable was walking down the steep path beside the pub.Before I could stop her gob almighty calls out"Constable our cars been stolen!""Are you sure Miss?"he replied,"Yes we parked it here!".Now if you know the Hare and Hounds it had a car park either side!,"Lets look in the other car park Miss!",of course there it was sitting pretty where I,d left it!.We had a laugh and beat it sharpish as I had supped quite a few pints and would have been in trouble for sure thanks to my vociferious little wifey!.:help::confused::roll:

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One Saturday I was working at Thrybergh telephone exchange and drove past to go to the chipshop ,passing The Grapes I noticed a big wedding party posing for photos including a bride in full traditional dress 20mins later I drove back past and witnessed utter carnage including the bride covered in blood behing dragged off the groom by two wpc's.Lovely day!

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I remember driving through Dalton on a few occasions and it never looked inviting, the old terraced streets opposite contained some of the most dilapidated houses I've ever seen. I'm sure it wasn't until the late 90's before they were pulled down.

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