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Lasting power of attorney

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PATHFINDER: a very useful post re the experience of one who's "been there, done that!"

BBC Radio 4 carried a 'Moneybox' item re just how unco-operative Banks can sometimes be.

See http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/moneybox


You are absolutely right ! When I registered ours in the Court of Protection and had received the document with the Court seal upon it, I went along to my father's bank HSBC and then on to Bradford and Bingley because he had money in both. They were both utterly hopeless. I got stroppy and said "well I can see that you are given absolutely no training in this area whatsoever - my father does NOT need to sign a 3rd party mandate because the Court of Protection has issued this document and it appears you need someone to tell you your job". As is my wont, I wrote stinking letters of complaint to both organisations with the caveat "You'd better get your act together because the elder population is increasing and trust me, there are going to be literally thousands of your customers in that position so you really do need to get up to speed on it".


In the short term, I managed to resolve the matter and finally got it all sorted out, as you say, with very little help from the bank. Funnily enough, now my father has died and I am trying to arrange an appointment to sort out an Executors account I am similarly experiencing what I may only describe as an "unskilled " response from HSBC. I am polishing my armour as we speak to go into battle and woe betide the fool that crosses me !


As if having a father who had 18 years of dementia wasn't enough to deal with - don't get me started !!!!:rant::rant:


However, if my experience can assist others then I'm only too happy to point people in the right direction.

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Many thanks Pathfinder, the process wa a tad daunting at first. Dealing with Social

Services is just another mountain to climb. It seems that my life has no life now, as I

seem to spend it all sorting problems for a person who at most ,seems to think that is what I am there for, and at least, there isn't a least, not for me anyway I look at it It's a never ending ASBO

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would you care to your expand your comment ? I assume you have no

concept what POA means.


---------- Post added 20-06-2014 at 08:28 ----------


You would be amazed how much you can actually achieve with just a joint bank account.


What the matter Uptight girl, lost your tongue ,and your cheque book?

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