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Does anyone know anything about Norfolk Park and the Supertram?


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Does anyone have any information about the Supertram in Norfolk Park?

e.g. When did they originally decide to regenerate that area?...was that before the tram was built?

Were the residents consulted before they decided where to put the tram stops?

Does anyone know anyone that used to work for the council or with the South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive around the time of the beginning of this development that might be willing to let me ask them a few questions?

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This site may help a little though not sure it actually says much about Norfolk Park other than the fact the line opened here in August 94. http://www.thetrams.co.uk/supertram/history.php


I lived through the construction of the lines (oh what fun that was) :roll: Still it's a fantastic addition to the estate and I was thrilled they chose Park Grange as part of the route. Just somewhat hectic with the road closures at the time. Hard to believe all the mess ever got cleaned up. It seemed like it was everlasting at the time!!

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