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Has Technology Ruined Literacy?

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Well, it seems with the popularity of text messaging over a decade ago and now internet message boards.


I wonder if we have lost the ability to construct, spell and articulate anything more than a sentence.


I used to write in text speak many years ago but nowadays make the effort to ensure accuracy and clarity.


I even go as far as listing things in size order and have all sorts of little fetishes about the look and style of things.


I can accept when people post from their phones and are in a hurry but still, I like things to be as good as they can.


Me 2. I do webdezine, it most important for gramer and stuff just like u say.!

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Your opening sentence doesn't make sense, Bedrock.


I agree. Somewhat ironically, it has an abandoned dependent clause.


I think the danger from overusing technology is not poorer literacy, but poorer oral communication and social skills. Banksy got it right, I reckon, with that picture of the embracing couple, looking intently not into each other's faces... but over their shoulders into mobile phones.



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Originally Posted by Moosey


Whilst we're criticising grammar, a semi-colon would have fit far better between the first two sentence fragments.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android


Should that be fitted?


No, it shouldn't. :-)


My point was though that we all make mistakes so the person shouldn't criticise too readily.


I deleted it though as it's too early to be argumentative. :-)



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Bedders am afraid most of your posts are absolute drivel. Not trying to be nasty, but try and put more effort into being relevant and intelligible with your comments. Those are more important than spelling.


Oh go on,I am "rite" (as BEDSOCK spells it) behind you.

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