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Has Technology Ruined Literacy?

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No, it shouldn't. :-)


My point was though that we all make mistakes so the person shouldn't criticise too readily.


I deleted it though as it's too early to be argumentative. :-)



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

I was not arguing,I was asking,that is why I put in the question mark.

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I was not arguing,I was asking,that is why I put in the question mark.


Wasn't being argumentative with you don't worry. I meant with the original person abusing someone's grammar. It's all good. :-)



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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It isn't just literacy skills that have declined, it's numeracy skills as well. The use of calculators in schools has had a devastating impact on young people's ability to do even the simplest mental arithmetic. The literacy and numeracy standards of school leavers is preventing them from getting employment and condemning many of them to a life on benefits.

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It doesn't make me lazy, when I'm sending an SMS, i'll often use the full words just because I prefer them...


When SMS was limited to 120 characters, I did use the shorter versions and acronyms, but that was because there was a limited length for the message...


Since "Long SMS" was introduced, and there's no longer a limit (there is, but it's something crazy like 5000 characters) I just type things out properly..


my phones auto-complete dictionary makes this easier and faster too!! :)


Just wish my computer had auto-complete! :)

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Again, literacy levels haven't dropped. There is no evidence for this.


Recently some report allegedly showed that kids that read for pleasure are more likely to end up with a university degree, it failed to investigate other demographics related to that claim however.


You are reading this post, therefore you are reading. Trust me, all that time your kids spend on Facebook? They are reading.

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Again, literacy levels haven't dropped. There is no evidence for this.


Recently some report allegedly showed that kids that read for pleasure are more likely to end up with a university degree, it failed to investigate other demographics related to that claim however.


You are reading this post, therefore you are reading. Trust me, all that time your kids spend on Facebook? They are reading.


Yes reading Facebook while playing Farm and listening to chav music :hihi:

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Yes reading Facebook while playing Farm and listening to chav music :hihi:


What's chav music? What's Farm? I know what a farm is obviously but 'Farm'?

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