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Starting a petition to close a pub/club

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would be better to maybe set up some cameras if possible to film noise-fights -drug use- drinking after hours- or any other kind of breach of license or law then send that along with your petition to who it may concern council ect ..


... assuming any of these are his reasons.

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If you think that you have a strong case, you need to get all your ground works in place.

Read up on the relevant laws and guidelines.

Talk to the leader of your community policing team.

Talk to your local Councillors and make sure that you have them on board.

Issue diaries to all like-minded neighbours and make sure that you and they record everything and report every crime that they witness to the police (record the incident numbers).

After 3 months, if you think that you have a strong enough body of evidence, present it to the council licensing committee.

Issue a statement to The Star and arrange for their photographer to come round.

Before he arrives, spend a bit of time with your group practicing your poses with extremely sad faces, fingers in ears, pointing to broken daffodil etc.

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If the pub was open and trading before you moved into your house why did you buy the house??

You shouldn't have to put up with problems from pub users but if you live near one then you must expect 1 or 2 issuses over time.

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Is this easy? Can anyone start a petition that will be officially recognised and acted upon by the licensing committee?


Why would you expect folk who have never been in a pub to sign a petition to have it shut? Perhaps the landlord would respond by starting a petition to have you sectioned.

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