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Starting a petition to close a pub/club

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it sounds like its not necessarily the pub wants closing, it needs rid of the current licencee (and the clientele he attracts).


Does he own the pub or lease it? If he leases it has he broke the terms of the lease and could the pub company that owns the pub be persuaded to terminate the lease and kick him out?


Has he breached the terms of his licence? Serving outside licensed hours, serving people that are already way too drunk for example - in which case go via the council - various actions available to them including withdrawing his personal licence.


Other than that keep reporting incidents to the police, they also have influence and powers to take action against licencees if they consider it appropriate.


I dont have many answers im afraid. I dont know if its a lease or he owns it but ill be finding all that out this week.

Im pretty sure he serves only during the correct hours and i couldnt tell you if he serves to underage drinkers or peple who have had too much as i never go into the place. Living almost directly across the road is close enough for me but the way some people come falling out of the place and right into the road makes me think hes not too bothered what state his patrons are in when they leave.

I have recently found out its happened before though and has been dealt with so that gives me some hope it can be resolved in some way.

For now im going to be making some calls and pulling some camera footage from the system to back up my complaint.

What fun this is all going to be :(

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Just to make sure that things don't backfire on you, make sure that cctv footage shown to the police is from when cameras are mainly scanning your own property and the activity that you want to show occurring outside your property is from their 'overspill'.

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Just to make sure that things don't backfire on you, make sure that cctv footage shown to the police is from when cameras are mainly scanning your own property and the activity that you want to show occurring outside your property is from their 'overspill'.


Unfortunately that would mean me adjusting them all and then lying to the police and i cant do that. One of the main factors in getting cctv was that place across the road. My cameras are (and this is a guess) 40% on my land, 30% on a public highway, 30% on the pubs frontage and road outside. Im certain im ok though as ive supplied footage to the police on numerous occasions for other things and they have never said there is an issue with them. This is from a special, to a PC to a DI, theyve all seen the cameras and no one has said anything.

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Yeah, their tables wont support my fat ass when i have one too many and decide to go all Flash Dance :hihi:


---------- Post added 20-04-2014 at 11:19 ----------




Ive been busy!


---------- Post added 20-04-2014 at 11:20 ----------



Thats the straw that broke the camels back. Yes its directly related to that thread.


---------- Post added 20-04-2014 at 11:24 ----------



I agree. I moved near a pub so i should expect some noise. Totally with you on that.

This isnt just noise though and its also a new development and didnt happen when i first moved here.

Criminal damage!


Someone making sexual gestures and shouting out profanity to an 8 year old girl!

More criminal damage.

The ex was sexually intimidated by a group of 'men' who have had 1 or 10 too many.

The list is long and getting longer.


As for the music and the cars and the shouting?

Thats all fine and totally acceptable

The rest isnt.


---------- Post added 20-04-2014 at 11:26 ----------



Thats a fab contribution. Thanks :)

Dont forget to come back with more amazing insights but id suggest you wait till puberty kicks. That way you wont sound like such a child.


---------- Post added 20-04-2014 at 11:29 ----------



Yes it has a late license. Its very close to two other pubs, the two other pubs have none of these issues at all. In fact i dont recall a time when theres been any issue with the other two establishments since ive lived here. Its this one place with a moron for a landlord whos not adverse to causing criminal damage himself.


---------- Post added 20-04-2014 at 11:31 ----------



No,although i do know which one you may mean if your talking mansfield road.


Hey that’s great. I was interested to know why you thought anyone would sign a petition regarding alleged disturbances based purely on your word. I now know that you are probably half the problem at the pub.

So perhaps you could get your mummy to correct your grammar before you start this petition. At the moment you give the impression that you aren’t old enough to go in one.

Judging by the comments you have given to anyone who disagrees with you you are the problem and will struggle to find anyone to support your cause.

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Hey that’s great. I was interested to know why you thought anyone would sign a petition regarding alleged disturbances based purely on your word. I now know that you are probably half the problem at the pub.

So perhaps you could get your mummy to correct your grammar before you start this petition. At the moment you give the impression that you aren’t old enough to go in one.

Judging by the comments you have given to anyone who disagrees with you you are the problem and will struggle to find anyone to support your cause.




I needed that ;)

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So perhaps you could get your mummy to correct your grammar before you start this petition. At the moment you give the impression that you aren’t old enough to go in one.

Judging by the comments you have given to anyone who disagrees with you you are the problem and will struggle to find anyone to support your cause.


the good old grammer reply ..


I see this in many many forums mainly used when the poster has no real comeback or anything to say in a bid to make the other person look small or stupid wilst at the same point you can run the persons text throu a grammer checker and it flags many mistakes. along with the you must be a child to type like this get your mommy not mummy to check it .


at no point think about if the poster has typing problems lost limbs or suffers from Dyslexia or as I have seen in the past could even be down's syndrome . but you go ahead and make fun of some spelling and grammer and > I'm glad to see you're not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance.

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the good old grammer reply ..


I see this in many many forums mainly used when the poster has no real comeback or anything to say in a bid to make the other person look small or stupid wilst at the same point you can run the persons text throu a grammer checker and it flags many mistakes. along with the you must be a child to type like this get your mommy not mummy to check it .


at no point think about if the poster has typing problems lost limbs or suffers from Dyslexia or as I have seen in the past could even be down's syndrome . but you go ahead and make fun of some spelling and grammer and > I'm glad to see you're not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance.


It is very good of you to point out to us that the OP must have one of the issues that you listed. It is pretty obvious when you think about it.

I presume with your inability to string together sentences that you must be the same. It was insensitive of me not to make allowances for you both.

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Hey that’s great. I was interested to know why you thought anyone would sign a petition regarding alleged disturbances based purely on your word. I now know that you are probably half the problem at the pub.

So perhaps you could get your mummy to correct your grammar before you start this petition. At the moment you give the impression that you aren’t old enough to go in one.

Judging by the comments you have given to anyone who disagrees with you you are the problem and will struggle to find anyone to support your cause.


Are you the landlord of the pub in question, or just a bit of a div? If you're going to pick on someone for thier grammar, it might be wise to check your own post through before submitting it.


Leather man - I can totally sympathise with you after previously being in a very similar situation myself. Like you say, moving so close to a pub, you don't expect it to be like a library but there's no excuse for anti social behaviour. We resolved our issue with the local by selling up and moving well away from any pubs, but I do understand that might not be for everyone. Good luck with the petition. I hope you get the result you're after.

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It is very good of you to point out to us that the OP must have one of the issues that you listed. It is pretty obvious when you think about it.

I presume with your inability to string together sentences that you must be the same. It was insensitive of me not to make allowances for you both.


kinda proved my point..wilst at the same time failing to be any good at trolling and also as said above failing to check your own posts for any mistakes. maybe your the one who should be asking mummy for help.


oh and now I see why your trolling here http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=853608

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kinda proved my point..wilst at the same time failing to be any good at trolling and also as said above failing to check your own posts for any mistakes. maybe your the one who should be asking mummy for help.


oh and now I see why your trolling here http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=853608


Actually you have worse grammar skills than most 4 year olds.

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