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Where are the jobs for Young people

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there you are judging all young people, not all young adults go out drinking and on there phone 24/7 , some want to get on an earn a decent wage and enjoy life but how can they if the is no jobs out there inset zero hour contract agency temp work thats not stability how can you look forward


Well that's some sort of work isnt it.


Not ideal I admit. But its better than nothing. Two or three zero hours contract jobs may lead to someone building up some of that vital work experience and when they have enough - use those skills to get something better and more stable.


Its this dismissal and turning nose up which is becoming an issue.


"oh im not doing that..... its just like slave labour"

"oh im not doing that..... its only minimum wage"

"oh im not doing that.... its only an apprentice role"

"oh im not doing that.... its only part time"

"oh im not doing that.... its only temporary"


Too many excuses going round here. There always seems to be an ONLY... this or a BUT... that.


Nobody walks into the perfect job from day one. Its about starting and building up.


Who cares if its part time, no contract, zero hours, temporary, placement. Who cares if its not stable or committed. Who cares if someone has to maybe work two or three jobs at once.


ANY work for one week or one year is still experience.


If its about the young people we are talking about that should mean they are prepared to take all steps they can to gain it. Entry level. Ground floor. Foot in the door all with the sole aim of getting that so vital experience.


Unfortunately too many young people dont think like that and thanks to the wonderful handouts provided by the government its made too easy to think like that.


As soon as I hit 16 my parents said, what you doing now? Working or college. They were the two options.


What there wasn't in my house was the third.... oh I shall sit on the dole until a job I like comes along.

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Well that's some sort of work isnt it.


Not ideal I admit. But its better than nothing. Two or three zero hours contract jobs may lead to someone building up some of that vital work experience and when they have enough - use those skills to get something better and more stable.


Its this dismissal and turning nose up which is becoming an issue.


"oh im not doing that..... its just like slave labour"

"oh im not doing that..... its only minimum wage"

"oh im not doing that.... its only an apprentice role"

"oh im not doing that.... its only part time"

"oh im not doing that.... its only temporary"


Too many excuses going round here. There always seems to be an ONLY... this or a BUT... that.


Nobody walks into the perfect job from day one. Its about starting and building up.


Who cares if its part time, no contract, zero hours, temporary, placement. Who cares if its not stable or committed. Who cares if someone has to maybe work two or three jobs at once.


ANY work for one week or one year is still experience.


If its about the young people we are talking about that should mean they are prepared to take all steps they can to gain it. Entry level. Ground floor. Foot in the door all with the sole aim of getting that so vital experience.


Not ideal when you have children to support and bills and food to pay how can you live a stable life not knowing if you are working 1 week/1 month or the next,

when you have experience and gained all your qualifications needed for your job they should be full time/part time jobs out there whatever wage the job is you wish to do but what jobs are out there in Sheffield none but zero hour temp agency

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Not ideal when you have children to support and bills and food to pay how can you live a stable life not knowing if you are working 1 week/1 month or the next,

when you have experience and gained all your qualifications needed for your job they should be full time/part time jobs out there whatever wage the job is you wish to do but what jobs are out there in Sheffield none but zero hour temp agency


Wait a minute here. We are supposed to be talking about young people seeking their entry level no experience jobs.


Such young people who have children to support and bills to pay have far far bigger issues to be answered.


No work experience whatsoever but a child and bills to pay???

How are they being supported now? What are their parents doing? How are they in such a situation without any such work experience or job in the first place? Where is the other parent - one will/could be able to work full time? It does take two to tango - someone should be taking some responsibility.


Lets not mix up issues here.


Secondly I simply do not believe that the only jobs out their for people with experience are ALL zero hour temp jobs. Not all agency work is zero hours. Far from it. Not all agency work is restrictive to one employer. What's wrong with having two or three assignments at the same time. As said above, ANY work for someone in a situation you describe is better than no work. Some money coming in is better than none.

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There are LOTS of opportunities for under 25s. Too many in fact. Every time we get opportunities through, it is always for the under 25s. And as proven many a time, these opportunities are mostly squandered by the young. What a waste of time.


Plenty of over 25s out there that are actually skilled for the job, and actually want to work. Instead of not turning up for interviews, not turning up for work, and not screwing around.

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